Monday, November 7, 2011

What is Postpartum depression ?

Postpartum depression is feeling very sad and is associated with psychological disturbances during the first few weeks or a month after giving birth.

Baby blues - feeling sad or not known in three days the ordinary birth after birth. The new mother should not be thought of in excess of this feeling because usually disappear within 2 weeks. Postpartum depression is a serious mood changes. That lasted for weeks or months. This form affects about 1% of women. Even more severe, rare form, called postpartum psychosis, including psychotic behavior.

The cause of sadness or depression after childbirth is not clear. Decline in hormone levels that suddenly, particularly estrogen and progesterone, may play a role. Depression is present before pregnancy were more likely to evolve into postpartum depression. Women who have had depression before becoming pregnant should inform their doctor or midwife about it during pregnancy. Stress due to having and keeping the baby could also be influential. Some stress include difficulty during labor and delivery, lack of sleep, and feeling isolated and unable to. Women who experience postpartum depression may experience depression or other psychological disorders before pregnancy, or they can have a close relationship with depression. Lack of social support and marital discord increases the possibility of postpartum depression.

Symptoms include frequent crying, mood swings, and irritability as sadness. The symptoms are rarely included very fatigued, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, loss of interest in sex, anxiety, appetite change, and feel dissatisfied or discouraged. These symptoms are associated with everyday activities such women. A woman with postpartum depression can be seen not interested in her baby.

In postpartum psychosis, depression combined with the possibility of suicidal thinking or doing violence, hallucinations, or bizarre behavior. Sometimes postpartum psychosis include a desire to hurt the baby.

If a woman is sad, support from family members and friends are usually all that is needed. But when depression is diagnosed, professional help is also needed. Usually, a combination of counseling and antidepressants is recommended. A woman who experienced postpartum psychosis may require hospitalization, especially in a room that allows the baby to live with her mother. The woman takes antipsychotic drugs as well as antidepressants. A woman who breast-feeding should consult a physician before using a variety of these drugs to determine when it is time he can continue to breastfeed.

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