Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How does transmission of HPV?

HPV testing is generally only used to help detect cervical cancer. There is no general test for men or women to check one's overall "HPV status," also there is no HPV test to detect HPV in the genitals or in the mouth or throat. But HPV usually goes away by itself, without causing health problems. Presence or absence of abnormalities in the cervix caused by HPV infection can be identified by Pap smear, Pap smear but can not identify specific HPV types. If you want to identify the types of HPV, can be identified by PCR (Polymerise chain reaction), but if only to know the oncogenic HPV infection can be performed examinations HC (hybrid capture) or HPV DNA test.

How does transmission of HPV?

95% of HPV virus transmitted by sexual intercourse, 5% non-sexual transmitted skin to skin that is transmitted through the nail and others. HPV is transmitted through genital contact, most commonly through vaginal and anal sex. HPV can also be transmitted during oral sex and genital to genital contact or skin to skin. HPV can be transmitted between partners of different sexes and gay couples, lesbian and heterosexual-even when the infected partner has no signs or symptoms.

A person can get HPV even years have passed since he had sexual contact with an infected person. Most people are exposed to the HPV virus are unaware they are infected or they transmit the virus to their partners. It also allows a person can be infected in more than one type of HPV. Very rarely, a pregnant woman infected with HPV can pass HPV to her baby during childbirth. In this case, children can suffer from a disease called Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Respiratory (JORRP).

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