Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is angina pectoris ?

Angina (angina pectoris) is chest pain or a temporary feeling of depression, which occurs when the heart muscle deprived of oxygen. Oxygen the heart needs to be determined by the severity of the heart (heart rate of speed and strength). Physical and emotional activity causes the heart to work harder and therefore lead to increased cardiac demand for oxygen. If the arteries are narrowed or blocked blood flow to the muscles that can not meet the needs of the heart for oxygen, then it could happen ischemia and cause pain.

Usually angina is the result of coronary artery disease.

Other causes are:

* Aortic valve stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve)
* Aortic valve regurgitation (leakage of the aortic valve)
* Subaortik hypertrophic stenosis
* Arterial spasm (contraction while the arteries that occurs suddenly)
* Severe anemia.

Not all people with angina experience ischemia. Ischemia is not accompanied by angina is called silent ischemia. Still not understood why ischemia is sometimes not cause angina. Usually people feel angina as feeling depressed or pain under the breastbone (sternum).

Pain can also be felt in:
- The left shoulder or left arm next to the
- Back
- Throat, jaw or teeth
- The right arm (sometimes).

Many patients describe the feeling as discomfort rather than pain.

Typical is that angina:
- Triggered by physical activity
- Lasted no more than a few minutes
- Would disappear if the patient rest.

Sometimes patients can predict the occurrence of angina after performing certain activities.

Angina is often worse if:
- Physical activity after eating
- Cold weather
- Emotional stress.

Variant Angina
Is the result of coronary artery spasm in the large surface of the heart, called variant as indicated by:
- Pain that occurs when the patient is resting, not when doing physical activity
- Certain changes in the ECG.

Unstable Angina
Angina is a pattern of symptoms changes. Characteristics of angina in a patient usually remains, therefore any change is a serious problem (eg pain becomes more severe, the attacks become more frequent or pain occur when you're resting). Such changes usually show a rapid progression of coronary artery disease, which has occurred due to blockage of a coronary artery or rupture of an atheroma formation .The risk is very high occurrence of heart attacks. Unstable angina is an emergency.

The diagnosis is mainly based on symptoms. Among even during an attack of angina, physical examination or EKG showed only minimal abnormalities. During an attack, could be slightly increased heart rate, blood pressure increases and can hear the typical changes in the heartbeat through a stethoscope. During an attack, could be found of changes in the ECG, but between attacks, the ECG may show normal results, even in patients with severe coronary artery disease.

If symptoms are typical, the diagnosis is easily established. This type of pain, location and relationship with activities, meals, weather and other factors will facilitate the diagnosis.

Particular examination can help determine the severity of ischemia and the presence of coronary artery disease:

1. Exercise tolerance testing is an examination where the patient walking on a treadmill and monitored by an EKG. This examination can assess the severity of coronary artery disease and heart's ability to respond to ischemia. The results of this examination can also help determine whether or not performed coronary arteriography or surgery.
2. Radionuclide imaging is performed in conjunction with exercise tolerance testing can provide valuable information about angina. The depiction of radionuclides not only strengthen the ischemia, but also determine the areas and extent of the affected heart muscle and show the amount of blood to the heart muscle.
3. Exercise echocardiography is an examination in which an echocardiogram obtained by ultrasonic waves reflected from the heart. This examination may show heart size, heart muscle movement, blood flow through heart valves and valve function. Echocardiogram performed at rest and at peak activity. If there is ischemia, then the pumping motion of the left ventricular wall appears abnormal.
4. Coronary arteriography can be performed if the diagnosis of coronary artery disease or ischemia is uncertain. This check is used to determine the severity of coronary artery disease and to help determine whether coronary artery bypass surgery or angioplasty.
5. Continuous ECG monitoring with Holter monitors showed abnormalities of silent ischemia.
6. Angiography can sometimes find a spasm in the coronary arteries that do not have an atheroma.

Treatment begins with an effort to prevent coronary artery disease, slowing progresivitasnya or against it by addressing risk factors. The main risk factors (eg increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels), treated as appropriate. The most important risk factor is cigarette smoking could be prevented.

Treatment of angina mainly depends on the weight and stability of symptoms. If symptoms are stable and mild to moderate, the most effective way is to reduce risk factors and take your medicine.

If symptoms worsen quickly, usually the patient immediately treated and given medication in hospital. If symptoms do not disappear with medication, dietary changes and lifestyle, then it could be used angiography to determine whether coronary artery bypass surgery or angioplasty.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

allergic conjunctival inflammation symptoms and prevention

Red eye is allergic conjunctival inflammation caused by allergic reactions.

Conjunctiva contains many cells of the immune system (mast cells) that release chemicals (mediators) in response to various stimuli (such as pollen or dust mites). These mediators cause inflammation of the eye, which may be brief or last a long time. About 20% of men have high levels of red eye allergy.

Red eye allergies are seasonal and sustainable red eye allergy is the most frequent types of allergic reactions in the eye. Red eyes that seasonal allergies are often caused by tree or grass pollen, therefore this type arise, especially in the spring or summer . Weed pollens responsible for allergic symptoms of red eyes in the summer and early autumn. Red eye allergies occur year-round sustainable; most often caused by dust mites, animal fur, and feathers.

Vernal is a form of red eye red eye allergy is more serious where the cause is unknown. The condition is most common in boys, particularly those aged less than 10 years who have eczema, asthma or seasonal allergies. Vernal red eyes usually recur every spring and disappear in the fall and winter. Many children do not experience it again in young adulthood.

People with all forms of red eye allergy develops quickly into itchy and burning sensation in both eyes. Although usually the same, sometimes, one eye may be more infected than the other eye. Conjunctiva becomes red, and sometimes swollen conjunctiva, causing the surface of the eyeball looks pudgy so many people feel disturbed. On the seasonal and sustainable red eyes, very much a thin watery stools. The views are rarely affected.

At the vernal red eye, eye dirt lot and like mucus. Unlike other types of allergic red eye, red eye vernal often affects the cornea, and painful ulcers that can occur. These ulcers cause excessive sensitivity to bright light and sometimes cause a permanent reduction in vision.

Doctors recognized by the appearance of red eye allergy and typical symptoms.

The condition is treated with anti-allergy eye drops. Such drugs include cromolyn, lodoxamide, olopatadine, and antihistamine eye drops, such as emedastine and levocabastine. Ketorolac eye drops have anti-inflammatory and helps cope with symptoms. Corticosteroid eye drops have a better anti-inflammatory, but they should not be used more than a few weeks without the inherent observation because they can cause increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma), cataracts, and increased risk of eye infections. Recently, eye drops that can inhibit the effects of spending and cause swelling such as azelastine, nedocromil, and pemirolast, has been used well.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Anorectal abscess symptoms and prevention

Anorectal abscess is a collection of pus caused by the entry of bacteria into the room around the anus and rectum.

The entry of bacteria into the area around the anus and rectum.

Abscesses under the skin may be swollen, red, tender and very painful. Abscesses are located higher in the rectum, may not cause symptoms, but can cause fever and pain in the lower abdomen.

Diagnosis based on examination results in the area around the anus and rectum. Using gloves, gently swelling can be felt in the rectum, although from the outside does not look any swelling.

Antibiotics have limited value except in patients who experienced fever, diabetes, or infections in other body parts. Usually, treatment consists of injections with local anesthetic, opened the abscess and ooze pus. Sometimes, patients are treated and get general anesthesia before the doctor to open and drain the abscess. After all pus removed, can form a tunnel leading to abnormal skin (anorectal fistula).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What is Chronic cholecystitis ?

Chronic cholecystitis is a chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall, which is characterized by recurrent attacks of abdominal pain is sharp and superb.

Chronic cholecystitis caused by recurrent attacks of acute cholecystitis, which causes thickening of the gallbladder wall and gallbladder contraction. In the end unable to accommodate the gallbladder bile. The disease is more common in women and increased the number of events at the age above 40 years. Risk factor for chronic cholecystitis is the presence of previous history of acute cholecystitis.

The onset of symptoms can be triggered by eating fatty foods.
Symptoms can include:
- Chronic digestive disorders
- Abdominal pain are not clear (vague)
- Burp.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of examination of the following:
- CT scan of the abdomen
- Oral Kolesistogram
- Abdominal ultrasound.

The usual treatment is surgery. Cholecystectomy can be performed through the abdomen or through laparoscopic surgery. Patients who have a high surgical risk because of other medical conditions, it is recommended to undergo a diet low in fat and lose weight. Can be given antacids and anticholinergic drugs.

Someone who never had an attack of acute cholecystitis and gall bladder has not been appointed, should reduce the intake of fat and lose weight.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chlamydia causes and prevention

Chlamydia including one in which venereal disease is easily transmitted through casual sex. Diseases caused by bacteria can infect men and women. Uniquely, the one who exposed these germs, are not aware of having contracted. Even though it has not infected, the patient can transmit the disease to their partners.

This disease can cause interference with the line art (the urethra), cervix (cervical), the release pathway rectum, throat, and eyes. Although resulting in a lot of hassle, but can be prevented.

Chlamydia - these conditions have symptoms similar to gonorrhea, although it could also act without symptoms. In America, Chlamydia is among the most treatable, but has infected about four million people each year. This disease can cause severe arthritis and infertility in men. Such as syphilis and gonorrhea, sufferers can be cured with antibiotics.

How is transmitted?
Free sex of course. Chlamydia is spread through intimate contact with the sufferer, will be more vulnerable again if you change partners enterprising. This disease arises 2-14 days after infection. If it is so, people can develop the disease for months, even years without knowing it.

For women, will experience cramps in the lower abdomen, changes in schedule menstruation, pain during urination, bleeding and mucus changes in the genitals. Whereas in men, will remove the mucus on the genitalia, pain during urination, pain and swelling in the testicles.

Even in women and men, infection of the rectum can occur without the knowledge of the patient. Patients will only feel pain and mucus in the anus.

Prevention can be done by not having sexual activity before marriage, be faithful to your partner, stay away from deviant sexual behavior and risk, bring themselves to God and the teachings of religion, filtration solicitation, encouragement, or any appeal which directly or indirectly invited to immorality, such as through information media such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, internet, and so on, that's what needs to be done.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bursitis symptoms causes and prevention

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa is accompanied by pain. Bursa is a flat bag containing synovial fluid, which facilitates normal movement of several joints in the muscles and reduce friction. Bursa is located on the side friction, especially in places where tendons or muscles pass through the bone.

Under normal circumstances, a stock contains very little fluid. But if the injured, the bursa become inflamed and filled with fluid.

The cause is often unknown, but the bursitis can be caused by:
- Excessive use of over the years
- Injury
- Gout
- Pseudogout
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Infections.

The most susceptible to bursitis are the shoulders, other body parts that may be affected are the elbow bursitis, hip, pelvis, knees, toes and heels.

Bursitis causes pain and tend to restrict movement, but the specific symptoms depend on the location of the inflamed bursa. If the inflamed bursa in the shoulder, then if the patient raised his arm to wear clothes will have trouble and pain.

Acute bursitis occurs suddenly. If touched or moved, there will be pain in the inflamed area. Skin over the bursa may redden and swell. Acute bursitis is caused by an infection or gout causes tremendous pain and the affected area looks red and warm.

Chronic bursitis is a result of previous attacks of acute bursitis or repeated injuries. In the end, the wall will thicken the stock and in it accumulated solid calcium deposits that resemble limestone. Exchanges that have been damaged very sensitive to additional inflammation. Chronic pain and swelling can restrict movement, thereby experiencing muscle shrinkage (atrophy) and become weak.

Chronic bursitis attacks lasted for several days to several weeks and often recur.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination. The area around the bursa painful when touched, and the movement of certain joints causes pain. If the stock looks swollen, fluid samples can be taken from the stock exchange and examination of the fluid to determine the cause of inflammation.

The infected bursa must be drained and antibiotics administered. Acute non-infectious bursitis is usually treated with rest, which temporarily affected joints are not moved and was given a non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (eg indomethacin, ibuprofen or naproxen)
Sometimes given pain medication. Besides it can be injected a mixture of local anesthetics and corticosteroids directly into the bursa. These injections may need to be more than 1 time.

In severe bursitis given corticosteroids (eg prednisone) by mouth (swallowed) for several days. After the pain subsided, it is recommended to perform specific exercises to improve joint coverage.

Chronic bursitis is treated the same way. Sometimes a large calcium deposits in the shoulder can be removed through a needle or through surgery. Corticosteroids can be injected directly into the joint. Physical therapy is performed to restore joint function. Exercise can help restore muscle strength and joint coverage. Bursitis often recur if the cause (eg gout, rheumatoid arthritis or overuse) is not resolved.

Tetanus symptoms and prevention

Tetanus (lockjaw) is a disease caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetanus. Also called lockjaw because of muscle spasms in the jaw. Tetanus are found in developing countries.

An-aerobic bacteria Clostridium tetanus. Of Clostridium tetanus spores can live for years in soil and animal feces. If the tetanus bacteria enter the human body, infection can occur either into the scars and wounds in the shallows. After the birth process, infection can occur in the mother's womb and navel newborn (neonatal tetanus).

Which causes the onset of symptoms of infection are poisons produced by bacteria, not bacteria.

The symptoms usually appear within 5-10 days after infection, but can also occur within 2 days or 50 days after infection. The most common symptom is stiffness of the jaw. Other symptoms of anxiety, impaired swallowing, headache, fever, sore throat, chills, muscle spasms and a stiff neck, arms and legs.

Patients may have difficulty in opening the jaw (trismus). Spasms in the muscles of facial expression causes sufferers like grin with eyebrows raised. Stiffness or spasm muscles of the abdomen, neck and back can cause the patient's head and pulled back heel while his body bent forward. Sphincter muscle spasms in the lower abdomen can cause constipation and urine retention.

Minor disturbances, such as noise, air flow or shock, can trigger muscle spasms are accompanied by pain and excessive sweating. During the convulsions the whole body occurs, the patient can not speak because his chest muscle stiffness or spasm of the throat. It also causes respiratory problems resulting in lack of oxygen.

Usually no fever. Breathe pace and heart rate and reflexes are usually increased. Tetanus can also be limited to a group of muscles around the wound. Seizures around the wound may persist for several weeks.

Allegedly a case of tetanus muscle stiffness or spasms in someone who has a wound. To confirm the diagnosis can be done culturing bacteria from wound swabs.

To neutralize the poison, administered tetanus immunoglobulin. Tetrasiklintetrasiklin and penicillin antibiotics given to prevent further formation of toxins.

Other drugs may be given to calm the patient, controlling convulsions and relax muscles. Patients are usually hospitalized and placed in a quiet room. For moderate to severe infections, may need a ventilator to assist breathing. Food is given through an IV or a nasogastric tube. To remove dirt, mounted catheter. The patient should lie alternately tilted to the left or right and was forced to cough to prevent pneumonia.

To reduce pain are given codeine. Other drugs may be given to control blood pressure and heart rate. After recovering, should be given full vaccination for tetanus infection does not confer immunity against subsequent infections.


Tetanus has a mortality rate of up to 50%. Usually the deaths occur in people who are very young, very old and injecting drug users. If symptoms worsen immediately or if treatment is delayed, then the prognosis is poor.

Prevent tetanus through vaccination is much better than cure. In children, the tetanus vaccine given as part of the DPT vaccine (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus). Adults should receive a booster.

In a person who has a wound, if:

Has received a tetanus booster within the last 5 years, do not need to undergo further vaccination
Has never received a booster within the last 5 years, be vaccinated immediately
Never had to undergo vaccination or incomplete vaccination, given an injection of tetanus immunoglobulin and the first injection of vaccine 3 months.

Each wound (especially deep puncture wounds) should be cleaned thoroughly because dirt and dead tissue will facilitate the growth of the bacteria Clostridium tetanus.

What is Lymphadenitis ?

Lymphadenitis is the inflammation of one or several lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis may be caused by infections from various organisms, namely bacteria, viruses, protozoan, rickettsial, or fungal. In particular, the infection spreads to the lymph nodes of skin infections, ear, nose or eyes.

Lymph nodes are infected will usually palpable enlarged and tender and painful. Sometimes the skin above it looks red and warm.

Diagnosis based on symptoms. To help determine the cause, can do a biopsy (removal of tissue for examination under a microscope).

Treatment depends on the causative organism. For bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually given by mouth (orally) or intravenously (through veins).

To help reduce the pain, the affected lymph nodes can be compressed warm. Usually if the infection has been treated, the glands will shrink slowly and the pain will disappear. Sometimes the enlarged glands remain hard and no longer feels soft to the touch.

Maintaining health and hygiene can help prevent body infections.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What is Eritrasma ?

Eritrasma is an infection of the upper layer of the skin caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium minutissimum.

Bacterium Corynebacterium minutissimum. Eritrasma lot of attacking adults and diabetics; most commonly found in the tropics.

Often found in areas where skin contact with the skin, for example, under the breasts and armpits, between toes and the genital area (especially in men, where the scrotum touches the thigh). The infection causes the formation of patches of pink with irregular shapes, which will then be turned into fine scales brown.

In some patients, the infection spreads to the torso and anal region. Can arise that are mild itching.

Diagnosis based on symptoms. The bacteria will emit red light when illuminated with Wood's lamp (ultraviolet light). Bacteria can also be cultured from samples of infected skin.

Infection can be treated with erythromycin or Tetracycline. Can be aided by the use of anti-bacterial soap.

Some actions can be done to reduce the risk of eritrasma:

* Maintain cleanliness of body
* Keeping the skin remains dry
* Use clean clothes with a material that absorbs sweat
* Avoid excessive heat or humidity.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is epidermal cyst ?

epidermal cyst is a lump that develops slowly consisting of a thin sac on the skin contain ingredients such as cheese-like substance in the skin secretions.

Epidermal cysts, often wrongly referred to as sebaceous cysts, are flesh-colored with a length ranging from ½ to 2 inches across. They had to look anywhere but most commonly on the scalp, back and face. They tend to be robust and easy to move inside the skin. Cysts epiderma tasteless sick until they become infected or inflamed.

Large epidermal cyst removed surgically after the anesthesia is injected into the areas that stand out. The walls are thin sacs or cysts should be completely removed will grow back. Cysts are less likely to be injected with corticosteroids if they become inflamed. Small cysts that interfere can be burned with an electric needle.

Because the sun can stimulate the growth of epidermal cyst, people with light skin rather advised to avoid the sun and to use protective clothing and sunscreen.

Sistosarkoma Filodes symptoms,cause and prevention

Sistosarkoma Filodes is a kind of benign breast tumors are relatively rare and can develop into malignancies. These tumors rarely spread to other areas, but after surgery tend to re-grow in the same place.
1% of the tumors in the breast is a tumor filodes. These tumors usually affects women aged 50 years.

The cause is unknown.

These tumors have a strict limit, slippery and easily moved. The size is relatively large, have an average diameter of 5 cm. The skin above it looks shiny and slightly transparent so that the blood vessels visible beneath it.

The spread of tumors (metastases) most often occur to the lungs, bones, heart and day. If the tumor has spread, the patient will experience shortness of breath, fatigue and bone pain. The symptoms of the spread of tumors usually appear within a few months, but may not occur within 12 years after treatment. Most patients who have metastases will die within 3 years after treatment.

Diagnosis based on symptoms, physical examination results and the results of breast biopsy.

Usually the removal of the tumor and surrounding normal tissue in large enough quantities (wide excision).

If the tumor is large or showed malignancy, then performed a mastectomy simplex (removal of entire breast, leaving the underlying muscles and skin are sufficient to cover the surgical wound).

What is Cystitis infection ?

Cystitis is an infection of the bladder. Bladder infection commonly occurs in women, especially in the reproductive period. Some women suffer from recurrent bladder infections.

Bacteria from the vagina can move from the urethra into the bladder. Women often suffer from bladder infections after sexual intercourse, possibly because of urethral injury during sexual intercourse. Sometimes recurrent bladder infections in women occur due to the abnormal relationship between the bladder and vagina (fistula vesicovaginal).

Bladder infections are rare in men and usually begins as an infection of the urethra that moves into the prostate and the bladder. In addition, bladder infections can occur due to catheter or device used during surgery. The most common cause of recurrent bladder infections in men are prostate infection caused by bacteria that are settled. Antibiotics will soon wipe out the bacteria from the urine in the bladder, but antibiotics can not penetrate the prostate well so it can not relieve the infection in the prostate. Therefore, if the use of antibiotics is stopped, the bacteria inside the prostate will tend to re-infect the bladder.

Abnormal relationship between the bladder and colon (fistula vesicoenteric) sometimes causes the gas-forming bacteria enter and grow in the bladder. These infections can cause air bubbles in the urine (pneumaturia).

Bladder infections usually cause the urge to urinate and a burning sensation or pain during urination. Pain is usually felt above the pubic bone and is often also felt in the lower back. Other symptoms are nocturia (frequent urination at night). The urine looks cloudy and contain blood.

Sometimes bladder infections cause no symptoms and unknown at the time of examination of urine (urinalysis for other reasons.) Cystitis with no symptoms are especially common in the elderly, who may suffer from incontinence uri as a result.

Diagnosis based on typical symptoms. Taken midstream urine samples (midstream), so that urine is not contaminated by bacteria from the vagina or tip of the penis. The urine is then examined under a microscope to see any red blood cells or white blood cells or other substances. And made a head count of bacteria cultured to determine the type of bacteria. If infection occurs, it is usually a type of bacteria found in significant amounts.

In men, urine flow was usually sufficient for diagnosis. In women, urine samples are sometimes contaminated by bacteria from the vagina, so that urine samples should be taken directly from the bladder using a catheter.

Other tests are performed to help establish the diagnosis of cystitis are:
- X-rays, to describe the kidneys, ureters and bladder
- Sistouretrografi, to know of any backflow of urine from the bladder and urethral stricture
- Uretrogram retrograde, to find out the narrowing, diverticula or fistula
- Cystoscopy, to see the bladder directly with fiber optics.

What is krup Laringotrakeobronkitis ?

Krup (Laringotrakeobronkitis) is a viral infection that causes inflammation and swelling of the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, and bronchi). Krup is characterized by dry cough and shortness of breath.

Krup is usually caused by para-influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza viruses A and B. The virus is commonly found in the air and spread by splashing saliva or through objects contaminated by the saliva of the patient. Krup most often found in children aged 6 months - 3 years.

In severe cases, can occur by bacterial superinfection. This condition is called bacterial tracheitis and should be treated with antibiotics. If there is infection of the epiglottis, the entire windpipe can swell and can be fatal.

Krup usually begins with flu-like symptoms. Swelling of the respiratory tract and the airways tightens so that the patient suffered respiratory distress. Respiratory problems, dry cough, and hoarseness, usually first appear during the night. Respiratory disorders cause the child awoke from his sleep. Breathing becomes rapid and deep, and half the patients experienced fever. Will improve the situation of children in the morning, but worsened again in the evening.

Krup usually lasts for 3-4 days. Krup is often called krup spasmodic recurrences, which may caused by allergies, but it is usually preceded by a viral infection.

Other symptoms that may be found:
- Stridor (high pitched breath sounds),
- Cyanosis (bluish skin color from lack of oxygen),
- Intercostal retractions (increased use of the muscles of the neck and chest in an effort to breathe).

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination results indicate the presence of intercostal retraction when the child inhales. Examination with a stethoscope showed wheezing (wheezing breath sounds), the phase of inspiration (air inhalation) and expiration (blowing air) are elongated and reduced breathing sounds. Neck x-rays can show narrowing of the trachea.

If the disease is mild, the child does not need to be hospitalized. At home can use a humidifier to moisten the air and the child should drink plenty of fluids and adequate rest.

If disease is severe, usually children treated at the hospital and get extra oxygen. To help his breathing could be placed on a ventilator. Ultrasonic nebulizer can reduce the amount of mucus that reach the lower respiratory tract and reduces the viscosity of mucus so it is more easily removed by coughing.

Bronchodilators (drugs to dilate the airways) can be inhaled through a nebulizer so that the child breathe more easily. As an initial treatment in severe krup, given corticosteroids (but this is still controversial). If there is bacterial infection, antibiotics are given.

Symptoms and prevention of Ascites

Ascites is a collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Ascites tends to occur in chronic disease (chronic). Most often occurs in cirrhosis, especially those diisebabkan by alcoholism. Ascites can also occur in non-liver disease, such as cancer, heart failure, kidney failure and tuberculosis.

In patients with liver disease, fluid seeping from the surface of the liver and intestine. This is influenced by factors as follows: - portal hypertension
- Decreased ability of blood vessels to retain fluid
- Fluid retention by the kidneys
- Changes in various hormones and chemicals that regulate bodily fluids.

The cause of ascites:

Abnormalities in liver
- Cirrhosis, mainly caused by alcoholism
- Alcoholic hepatitis without cirrhosis
- Chronic hepatitis
- Blockage of the hepatic vein
Abnormalities outside the liver
- Heart failure
- Kidney failure, especially nephrotic syndrome
- Constrictive pericarditis
- Carcinomatosis, where the cancer spreads to the abdominal cavity
- Reduced activity of the thyroid
- Inflammation of the pancreas.

If the amount of fluid collected is not too much, usually have no symptoms. The amount of fluid that very much can cause abdominal swelling and discomfort, and shortness of breath. The amount of fluid that very much, causing tense abdomen and the navel becomes flat, and even pushed out. In some patients, also swollen ankles (edema).

On examination the abdomen percussion, sound will be dull (muffled). Ultrasound is used to determine the presence of ascites and find the cause. Parasintesis diagnostics performed to obtain fluid samples will then be examined in the laboratory.

Basic treatment of ascites is bed rest and a diet low in salt, which is usually combined with diuretics to fluids is excreted through the kidneys more numerous. If there is shortness of breath or difficulty eating, do parasintesis therapeutic, where the needle is inserted to drain fluids that accumulate. But the fluid tends to be collected again, if not given diuretics.

A large number of albumin often go wasted into the stomach fluid, so it may take delivery of albumin intravenously (through veins). Sometimes an infection in ascites fluid, particularly in alcoholic cirrhosis. This infection is called spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, were treated with antibiotics.

What is Vaginismus ?

Vaginismus is an unconscious contraction of the lower vaginal muscles that block the entry of the penis into the vagina.

Vaginismus is the result of a woman's subconscious desire to prevent the penetration (entry of the penis into the vagina). A woman may suffer from vaginismus if you feel pain in a previous sexual relationship.

A woman does not want to engage in sexual relations because:
- Fear of pregnancy
- Afraid to be under the control of sexual partners
- Fear of losing control
- Fear of experiencing pain during sexual intercourse.

Medical history and physical examination often help to find any physical problems or psychological problems. If found physical problems, usually immediately repaired.

If vaginismus persists, the patient is taught techniques to reduce muscle spasms. In a gradual widening of the technique, a woman entering a lubricated instrument into her vagina. Initially used wider tool with small size, then gradually use larger tools.

Exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises) can be done at wider tool inside the vagina. Muscles around the vagina tightly pursed and then relaxed, allowing the formation of a feeling that the patient can control these muscles.

Widening technique can also be trained on a regular basis at home by using your fingers. If the patient is able to receive a large influx wider tool with a sense of comfort, then she and her sexual partner may try to have sex again.

Counseling of patients and their sex partners can facilitate this process and eliminate anxiety.

Scoliosis symptoms and prevention

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine to the side, which can occur in segments of the cervical (neck), thoracic (chest) or lumbar (waist). Approximately 4% of all children aged 10-14 years had scoliosis; 40-60% were found in girls.

There are three common causes of scoliosis:

Congenital (congenital), usually associated with an abnormality in the formation of vertebrae or fused ribs
Neuromuscular, poor muscle control or muscle weakness or paralysis due to the following diseases:
- Cerebral palsy
- Muscular dystrophy
- Polio
- Osteoporosis juvenile
Idiopathic, the cause is unknown.

Symptoms include:
- Abnormally curved spine towards the side
- Shoulder and / or left hip and right are not as high
- Back pain
- Fatigue in the spine after sitting or standing for long
- Severe scoliosis (a curvature of greater than 60o) can cause respiratory problems.

Most of the upper back, spine bends to the right and in the lower back, spine bends to the left; so that the right shoulder is higher than the left shoulder. Right hip may also be higher than the left hip.

On physical examination the patient is usually asked to bend forward so that the examiner can determine the curvature is happening. Neurological examination (nerve) was conducted to assess the strength, sensation, or reflexes.

Other tests are commonly performed:

Spine x-rays
Measurements with scoliometer (a tool to measure the curvature of the spine)
MRI (if found neurological disorders or abnormalities on x-rays).

Treatment depends on the cause, degree and location of the curve as well as the stage of bone growth. If the curvature is less than 20o, usually require no treatment, but patients should undergo regular examinations every 6 months.

In children who are still growing, the curvature usually increased to 25-30o, because it is usually advisable to use a brace (braces) to help slow the progression of spinal curvature. Milwaukee Brace from Boston & effective in controlling the progression of scoliosis, but it should be installed for 23 hours / day until the child stops growing. Brace ineffective in congenital and neuromuscular scoliosis.

If the curvature reaches 40o or more, usually with surgery. At surgery done to improve curvature and melting bones. Bone is maintained in place with the aid of metal tools 1-2 are attached to bones recovered (less than 20 years). After the surgery may need to be fitted brace to stabilize the spine. Sometimes elektrospinal given excitation, where the spinal muscles were stimulated with a low electrical current to straighten the spine.

What is Fibrokista Breast Disease ?

Fibrokista Breast Disease is a condition consisting of pain, cysts and benign lumps in the breast. Actually, the term disease is less precise here because this state is not a disease. The situation is very often found in normal breast and is a normal variation.

Fibrokista changes are common causes of breast lumps in women aged 30-50 years. Changes fibrokista not a malignancy. At least 60% of women during their reproductive period has a breast lump as a result of changes fibrokista.

The cause of breast tissue associated with the response to changes in estrogen and progesterone that occurs every month during her reproductive period. Every month during a menstrual cycle, breast tissue to swell and return to normal. Hormonal stimulation of breast tissue causes the breasts to retain water and milk glands and ducts to enlarge.

At this time the breasts feel swollen, sore and have bumps. After menstruation, breast swelling usually decreases breast adan is not too painful and has no lumps. Because it's the best time to examine your breasts are at 7-10 days after menstruation (when the breast tissue under normal circumstances).

Usually fibrokista changes occur in both breasts and are less common in women who use birth control pills. Risk factor changes fibrokista is a family history of similar conditions and diet (eg fat intake and excessive caffeine).

Symptoms can include:

* A solid lump with an irregular shape.
* Breast tenderness that are persistent or relapsing-remitting
* Breasts feel full
* Dull pain and weight
* Swelling and tenderness before menstruation
* Breast pain is reduced after each menstruation.

Symptoms can be mild or severe and reaches its peak just before menstruation and disappear immediately after menstruation.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination. On examination of palpable breast masses can be moved, the shape is usually round with a slippery surface.

Regular checks are carried out;

* Mammography
* Breast ultrasound.

If the lump persists, may need to do a biopsy (removal of tissue for examination under a microscope). To reduce pain, the patient should not consume coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks. Besides it can be used analgesics. The pain can also be reduced with warm compresses and use proper bra. Sometimes given vitamin E.

To reduce the symptoms can be given birth control pills. In severe cases sometimes given danazol. Sometimes the lump should be removed through surgery

Symptoms prevention and treatment of Interstisialis Cystitis

Interstisialis Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that cause pain.

The cause is unknown because no infectious organisms found in the urine. Which is typical of this disease is often found in middle-aged women.

Symptoms include:
- Frequent urination
- Urge to urinate
- Dysuria (pain when urinating)
- Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

Sometimes the urine contains blood. In the end could happen bladder shrinking.

Diagnosis based on examination results sitoscopy, which will appear to the points of bleeding in the lining of the bladder.

There is no standard treatment or effective treatment for cystitis interstisialis.

Several types of treatment ever attempted in patients with cystitis interstisialis:
- Dilatation (widening) of the bladder by hydrostatic pressure (water power)
- Medications (elmiron, nalmafen)
- Anti-depression (pain relief effect)
- antispasmodic
- Klorapaktin (inserted into the bladder)
- Antibiotics (usually not much help, unless there is a bladder infection)
- DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide), to reduce inflammation
- Surgery.

Symptoms and prevention of Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the destruction of normal liver tissue that left scar tissue that does not work in the surrounding liver tissue that is still functioning.

Diseases that cause liver damage will result in cirrhosis. In the U.S., the most common cause is alcohol abuse. At USIS 45-65 years, cirrhosis is the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. In some countries of Asia and Africa, a major cause of cirrhosis is chronic hepatitis.

The cause of cirrhosis is:

Alcohol abuse
Use of certain drugs
Exposure to certain chemicals
Infection (including hepatitis B and hepatitis C)
Autoimmune diseases (including chronic autoimmune hepatitis)
Bile duct obstruction
Persistent blockage in blood flow from the liver (eg Budd-Chiari syndrome)
Disorders of the heart and blood vessels
Deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin
High levels of galactose in the blood
High tyrosine levels in the blood at birth (tirosinosis kongenitalis)
Diseases of glycogen accumulation
Diabetes (diabetes)
Excessive accumulation of copper congenital (Wilson disease)
Excess iron (haemochromatosis).

Some patients with mild cirrhosis have no symptoms and appear healthy for many years. Other patients experienced loss of appetite, weight loss and feeling sick. If bile flow is blocked for many years, there could be jaundice (jaundice), itching and small nodules arising in the skin is yellow, especially around the eyelids.

Malnutrition is common due to poor appetite and impaired absorption of fats and vitamins that are fat soluble, which is caused by reduced production of bile salts.

It sometimes happens coughing up blood or vomit blood because of bleeding from varicose veins in the lower end of the esophagus (esophageal varices). Dilation of blood vessels is a result of the high pressure in the venous blood from the intestines that leads to the liver. High blood pressure is called portal hypertension, which together with poor liver function, can also cause accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). Can also occur renal failure and hepatic encephalopathy.

The symptoms of other liver diseases can occur, such as:
- Muscle weakness
- Redness of the palms (palmar erythema)
- Fingers curved upward (palms Dupuytren contracture)
- Small veins that provide a picture like a spider
- Breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia)
- Salivary gland enlargement in cheeks
- Hair loss
- Shrink the testicles (testicular atrophy)
- Abnormal nerve function (peripheral neuropathy).

Ultrasound may reveal enlarged liver. Scanning liver using radioactive isotopes show a still picture of the liver function and liver area that has become scar tissue. Definitive diagnosis is made based on microscopic examination of liver tissue (biopsy).

Treatment for cirrhosis of the form:

eliminate sources of toxins (eg alcohol)
proper food intake, including vitamin supplements
treatment of complications.

Effective liver transplant performed in patients who have developed the Cirrhosis. But if people continue to consume alcohol or if the cause can not be resolved, then the hearts were transplanted in the end may also have cirrhosis.


Cirrhosis is growing very fast. If patients with alcoholic cirrhosis early immediately stop consuming alcohol, the formation of scar tissue in the liver will usually stop, but the scar tissue that forms will persist. In general, the prognosis is worse in case of serious complications, such as vomiting blood, ascites, or abnormal brain function.

Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) are more common in patients with cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or hepatitis C, iron overload (haemochromatosis) and accumulation of glycogen disease of long standing. Liver cancer can also occur in patients with cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse.

Friday, November 11, 2011

What is Ischemic cholangiopathy ?

Ischemic cholangiopathy is damage to one or more bile ducts caused by inadequate blood flow. Bile ducts (such as the liver vessels and bile ducts general), it is not like liver, supplied by the blood only from one of the great vessels, hepatic artery.

Thus, disturbances in blood flow through the hepatic artery can prevent bile ducts from getting enough oxygen. As a consequence, the cells lining the vessels damaged or die, this interference is called an ischemic cholangiopathy.

Blood flow can be disrupted with the things below:

Wounds from radiation therapy
Disorder that makes the blood easier to clot (clotting disorder).
Procedures to clog blood vessels leading to formation of clots (embolization).

Ischemic cholangiopathy is often seen in those who had a liver transplant.

Damage to bile duct narrowing (constriction causes) so that the bile flow is slow or blocked. As a result, bile pigments (bilirubin) restrained, the skin and the whites of the eyes become yellow (called jaundice) and the urine becomes dark. When the bile (containing pigments such as bilirubin) did not go into the small intestine, feces became pale.

Itching (pruritus termed) are frequent, often begins in the hands and feet but usually affects the entire body. Itching worse particularly at night. Infection of the bile ducts (cholangitis) may also occur, resulting in abdominal pain, chills and fever.

The diagnosis comes from the symptoms and abnormal results of blood tests, especially in people who have conditions that make more likely an ischemic cholangiopathy (eg, liver transplant recipients). Ultrasonography helps doctors described the vessel, but the results may not be convincing. Penentuani better often requires magnetic resonance imaging in the bile ducts (a procedure called magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

ERCP involves entering seer elastic vessels (endoscope) through the mouth and into the small intestine and inject dye into the bile duct system.

In addition to detect narrowing of the bile duct, ERCP can be used in the treatment. Cables with an empty balloon on its tip is inserted through the endoscope; doctors pumped the balloon to dilate the stricture (dilate). Connecting vessels (stent) and then keep the vessel open. People who have had liver transplants at any time require another transplant.

What is Fecal incontinence ?

Fecal incontinence is the loss of control over expenditure stool (bowel movement uncontrolled).

Fecal incontinence can occur during an attack of diarrhea or if a hard stool stuck in rectum (fecal impaction).

Fecal incontinence is settled can occur in:
- People who suffered anal injuries or spinal cord
- Rectal prolapse (protrusion of the rectum through the anus lining)
- Senile
- Neurologic injury in diabetes
- Anal tumors
- Injury in the pelvis due to childbirth.

Symptoms can include watery feces seeped along with flue gas from the rectum or the patient was not able to control the discharge of feces.

To determine the diagnosis, examination of the possibility of structural abnormalities or neurological disorders that can cause this condition. Included in it are:
- Examination of the anus and rectum
- Check the level of sensation around the anus
- Sigmoidoiskopi examination.

It may also be required examinations nerve function and muscle layer of the pelvis.

The first step to rectify this situation is trying to have a habit of defecation (bowel movements) is regular, which will result in the form of a normal stool. Making changes in eating patterns, in the form of the addition amount of fiber. If those things mentioned above do not help, given drugs that slow contractions of the intestines, such as loperamide.

Exercising the muscles of the anus (the sphincter) will increase the tension and strength and help prevent recurrence. With biofeedback, the patient re-train sphincter and improve rectal sensitivity to the presence of feces. If this situation persists, surgery may help the healing process. For example, if the cause is injury to the anus or anatomical abnormalities in the anus.

The last option is a colostomy, which is making a hole in the abdominal wall associated with the large intestine. The anus is closed (sutured) and discard the patient stool in a plastic bag attached to the hole.

Symptoms of Staphylococcal infections and prevention

Staphylococcal infections are infections caused by gram-positive bacteria Staphyloccus.

Staphylococcus gram-positive bacteria normally found in the nose and skin in 20-30% of adults. Can also be found in the mouth, mammary glands, urinary and genital tract, gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract. Staphylococcal mostly harmless, but the wound in the skin or other injury can cause bacteria to invade the human body's defenses and cause infection.

People who tend to have staphylococcal infection are people who tend to have staphylococcal infection are:
- Newborns
- Breast-feeding mothers
- People with chronic diseases (especially lung disease, diabetes and cancer)
- People with skin disorders and surgical wound
- Patients who received corticosteroid therapy, radiation, immunosuppressive drugs or anti-cancer drugs.

The symptoms that arise depend on the location of the infection. Infection may be mild or even can be fatal. Staphylococcal infection usually causes the formation of a pus-filled sacs, ie abscesses and boils (furuncles & karbunkel). Staphylococcus can be spread through blood vessels and cause abscesses in internal organs (such as the lungs), bone (osteomyelitis) and the inner lining of the heart and the valve (endocarditis).

Staphylococcal tends to infect the skin. The abscess on the skin in the form of pus-filled sac that feels warm under the skin surface. Abscesses typically rupture and pus will flow over the skin, which if not cleaned will lead to further infection.

Staphylococci can also cause cellulitis (an infection under the skin). Usually boils also occurred due to staphylococci. Two kinds of staphylococcal skin infections that are serious enough Nekrolitik skin syndrome and toxic epidermal burn (scalded skin syndrome), which can cause widespread exfoliation.

Newborns usually staphylococcal skin infections within 6 weeks after birth. The most common symptom is a skin like a pus-filled blisters on the arm folds, genitals and folds of the neck. Staphylococcal infection which can cause much more severe abscesses, extensive exfoliation, blood infection, infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and pneumonia.

Breastfeeding mothers may experience breast by a staphylococcal infection (mastitis) and abscesses within 1-4 weeks after delivery. Some of these infections are often transmitted from babies to the mother during breastfeeding.

The most severe infection is pneumonia, which is a risk for patients with chronic lung disease (such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema) and influenza. Often causes a high fever and symptoms of severe lung such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing and a cough productive of sputum may be bloody. In newborns and sometimes in adults as well, peumonia Staphylococcus can cause lung abscess and infection of the pleura (lining around the lungs). Infection is called empyema piston, which aggravate respiratory problems.

Although a staphylococcal infection in the blood (staphylococcal bacteremia) frequently occurs due to infection elsewhere, but usually occur as a result of usage intravenous devices such as catheters. Staphylococcal bacteremia is often the cause of death in patients with severe burns. Typical characteristic is the bacteremia is the heat that arises is persistently and sometimes shock.

Presence of Staphylococcal in the bloodstream can cause infection in the lining of the heart and the valve (endocarditis), especially in injecting drug users. Infection with the immediate cause damage to the valve, resulting in heart failure and death.

Bone infections (osteomyelitis) primarily affects children, although also attack older people, especially those who suffer from skin ulcers in (bedsores, bedsore). Symptoms include fever, chills and bone pain. Swelling and redness will appear above the affected bone and the joints around the infected area will form a liquid. Sometimes radiation examination and other radiological examinations can show areas affected by the infection, but is generally not helpful in early diagnosis.

A staphylococcal infection of the intestine frequently causes fever, abdominal bloating and distension, abnormal contractile movement of the intestine is suspended (ileus), and diarrhea. Patients which often occurs in hospitalized, especially after surgery or antibiotic treatment.

Surgery increases the risk of staphylococcal infection that could lead to the formation of abscesses in the wound sutures or causes damage to the incision wound. Some infections develop several days to several weeks after surgery but may occur more slowly in people who received antibiotic therapy after surgery. This infection can deteriorate and progress to toxic shock syndrome.

For most skin infections, oral antibiotics are given enough like cloxacillin, and erythromycin dikloksasilin. For more severe infections, especially infections of blood, intravenous antibiotics are needed, even for 6 weeks.

The selection of antibiotics depends on the areas affected by the infection, the severity of symptoms and effective antibiotic which kills certain bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin, are also resistant to almost all antibiotics commonly used and require special attention because these bacteria are found in large cities and hospitals. Effective antibiotics are vancomycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Vancomycin will kill the bacteria, whereas for most skin infections, oral antibiotics are given enough like cloxacillin, and erythromycin dikloksasilin.
For more severe infections, especially infections of blood, intravenous antibiotics are needed, even for 6 weeks.

The selection of antibiotics depends on the areas affected by the infection, the severity of symptoms and effective antibiotic which kills certain bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin, are also resistant to almost all antibiotics commonly used and require special attention because these bacteria are found in large cities and hospitals. Effective antibiotics are vancomycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole to prevent the ability of bacteria to breed.

An abscess that arise should be drained (contents removed, dried). Drainage of the skin is relatively simple, namely by making a small incision and then pressed so that the liquid out. As for a deeper abscess may need surgery.

What is Non-typhoid Salmonella infection ?

Non-typhoid Salmonella infection is an infection caused by Salmonella bacteria that do not cause typhoid fever.

Salmonella bacteria. There are 2200 types of Salmonella, including the type that causes typhoid fever. Each type can cause indigestion, enteric fever and certain infections are localized.

Salmonella found in infected meat, poultry, raw milk, eggs and processed eggs. Salmonella can also be found in reptiles that are kept, or scarlet dye-contaminated marijuana.

Salmonella infections can cause gastrointestinal or enteric fever-sometimes the infection is only about a certain part. Some infected people may not have symptoms, but they act as a career (carriers) of this bacterium.

Gastrointestinal disorders usually begin to appear within 12-48 hours after infection with Salmonella bacteria. Early symptoms include nausea and cramping abdominal pain that was soon followed by diarrhea, fever, and sometimes vomiting. Usually the diarrhea is very watery, but sometimes can be a semi-solid stool. This disorder is usually mild and lasts 1-4 days, but can last much longer. The diagnosis is strengthened by cultivating the bacteria in stool samples or rectal swabs of patients.

Enteric fever occurs when Salmonella enter the blood. Fever caused tremendous fatigue. Bacteria can live and multiply in the digestive tract, blood vessels, heart valves, the lining of the brain and spinal cord, lungs, joints, bones, urinary tract, muscles or other organs. Sometimes bacteria infect the tumor, thus forming an abscess which in turn can cause blood infections.

A career (carriers) do not show symptoms but will continue to release the bacteria in the stool. Less than 1% of patients who then become carriers of the bacteria for a year or more.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and confirmed by the discovery of bacteria in cultures derived from stool samples or rectal swabs of patients.

Diiobati with gastrointestinal fluids and soft food. Antibiotics would extend the expenditure of bacteria in the stool so it is not advisable given to people who have gastrointestinal complaints. But baby, hospital staff, and patients with HIV infection treated with antibiotics because they are at high risk for complications. In carriers of bacteria that do not show symptoms, the infection can usually resolve themselves and rarely need antibiotics.

If needed antibiotics, which effectively is ampicillin, amoxicillin, or ciprofloxacin. Antibiotics are given for 3-5 days, but people with HIV infection longer require treatment to prevent recurrence.
Someone who has a Salmonella bacteria in the blood have to get antibiotics for 4-6 weeks.

Abscess treated surgically drainage (drainage, pus expenditure) and giving antibiotics for 4 weeks. Long-term antibiotics and surgery usually need to be given to patients with infectious blood vessels or heart valves.

causes and prevention of Hepatitis C

Type C hepatitis is a disease that affects 20% of patients with viral hepatitis and the remainder in the case of blood transfusion. Incubation for 14-182 days, averaging 42-49 days.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Transmitted through sexual intercourse. Contact with infected blood.

Most people do not have acute symptoms. 20% had jaundice, 30% experienced flu-like symptoms. Experienced swelling of the liver.

Asked if it found the symptoms of hepatitis virus blood tests will be performed to confirm the diagnosis and type of virus. In case of chronic hepatitis, it is advisable to do a biopsy.

Interferon (Alferon N) and ribavirin.

There is no vaccine for hepatitis C. The way to prevent is to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus is to prevent the behavior of sharing needles or personal tools such as toothbrushes, razors and nail clippers with an infected person.

What is Hepatitis Type B ?

Hepatitis Type B (serum or hepatitis with a long incubation period) is also suffered by people living with HIV-positive. Blood tests are routinely performed to reduce the cases caused by transfusion. The chronic levels in patients with 10% in adults, 50% in children aged less than 5 years and 80-90% in infants.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Blood transfusions and hemodialysis patients. Transmission through injections that are used interchangeably by drug addicts is the biggest cause. Children of mothers with hepatitis B.

May not appear or appear suddenly flu-like symptoms, fever, jaundice, dark colored urine and feces reddish black. Swelling of the liver.

Asked if it found the symptoms of hepatitis virus blood tests will be performed to confirm the diagnosis and type of virus. In case of chronic hepatitis, it is advisable to do a biopsy.

Interferon alpha or lamivudine.

The best protection is the vaccine of hepatitis B. Never Do multiple sex partners. Perform blood tests for hepatitis B in pregnant women, so the baby can be given hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccination 12 hours after birth. Do not donate blood if have hepatitis B.

Causes and prevention of Hepatitis Type A

Hepatitis Type A (infection or hepatitis with short incubation) affects many homosexuals and people with the HIV virus. The incubation period is 15-50 days, the average is 30 days. Is a non-chronic disease.

Hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the feces of patients with hepatitis A. Through food and drink contaminated by HAV.

Generally there are no symptoms in children. Adults may experience flu-like symptoms with abdominal pain, jaundice, dark colored urine, and nausea.

Asked if it found the symptoms of hepatitis virus blood tests will be performed to confirm the diagnosis and type of virus. In case of chronic hepatitis, it is advisable to do a biopsy.

This disease will heal itself after a few weeks.

Hepatitis A vaccine is the best protection. Short-term protection against hepatitis A is of immunoglobulins. Can be administered before and during contact with HAV. Always wash hands with soap and water after being in the bathroom and before preparing food.

Asbestosis symptoms and prevention

Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, in which the lungs extensive scar tissue is formed. Asbestos fibers consist of silicate minerals with different chemical composition. If inhaled, asbestos fibers settle in the lungs, causing scarring. Inhalation of asbestos can also cause thickening of the pleura (the membrane that lines the lungs).

Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause scarring (fibrosis) in the lungs. Lung tissue fibrosis that form can not inflate and deflate properly. Severity of the disease depends on the duration of exposure and the number of fibers inhaled. Exposure to asbestos can be found in the mining and milling industries, construction and other industries. Exposure to asbestos workers' families can also occur from particles brought home on the clothing workers.

Diseases caused by asbestos include:

Pleural plaques (calcification)
Malignant mesothelioma
Pleural effusion.

Mesotheliomas can occur within 20-40 years after exposure. Cigarette smoking causes increased risk of diseases caused by asbestos. The number of events is equal to 4 among 10,000 people.

Symptoms of asbestosis appear gradually and emerging only after the formation of scar tissue in large quantities and the lungs lose their elasticity. The first symptoms are shortness of breath and a mild decrease in the ability to perform calisthenics. About 15% of patients, will experience severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

Heavy smokers with chronic bronchitis and asbestosis, will suffer from coughing and wheezing. Inhaling asbestos fibers can sometimes lead to accumulation of fluid in the space between two membranes lining the lungs. Although rare, asbestos can also cause tumors called mesotheliomas in the pleura or the lining of the abdomen, called peritoneal mesotheliomas.

Mesotheliomas caused by asbestos are malignant and incurable. Mesotheliomas generally arise stelah krokidolit exposed, one of four types of asbestos. Amosit, the other type, also cause mesothelioma. Krisotil may not cause mesothelioma, but sometimes tainted by tremolit that can cause mesothelioma. Mesothelioma usually occurs after exposure for 30-40 years. Lung cancer will occur in patients with asbestosis who also smoke, especially those who smoked more than 1 (one) pack a day.

Other symptoms that may be found:
- Cough
- Tightness in chest
- Chest pain
- Nail abnormalities or clubbing of fingers (fingers form that resembles a drum percussion).

On physical examination using a stethoscope, will hear the sound crackles.

To confirm the diagnosis, usually done the following checks:

Chest X-rays
Lung function tests
CT scan of the lung.

Supportive treatment to cope with the symptoms is to remove mucus / phlegm from the lungs through the procedure postural drainage, chest percussion and vibration. Given drugs to thin the mucus spray. May need to be given oxygen, either through a facemask (mask) or through a plastic tube mounted on the nostril. Sometimes performed lung transplantation. Fatal mesothelioma, chemotherapy is not very useful and removal of the tumor does not cure cancer.

Asbestosis can be prevented by reducing levels of asbestos fibers and dust in the working environment. Because the industries that use asbestos dust control has been done, now fewer who suffer asbestosis, but mesotheliomas still occur in people who have been exposed 40 years ago. To reduce the risk of lung cancer, to workers dealing with asbestos, it is recommended to quit smoking

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What is Hallux valgus ?

Hallux valgus is a disorder where the big toe, where the joints at the base of the toes bulge out from the side of the outside of the foot and the toes pointing inward (facing the smaller toes). Bunion is a painful swelling on fluid-filled sac at the base of the toes that occurs because of hallux vagus.

The cause of hallux valgus usually is footwear that fits and painful, but easily cuts against this disorder appears to have declined in the family. Because women often dictate fashion shoes that are less good, women are more prone to this deformity.

Hallux valgus actually make widening on foot because the basic toe bulge out from the foot. Irregularities in the big toe also occurs, so that the toe is pointing out the smaller toes. As a result, a bump on the edge of your toes, metatarsal heads where the base meets the toes. Under these lumps are exchanges (fluid-filled sacs).

Bursa becomes irritated with friction with shoes, resulting in swelling of the bursa under the bump, thereby increasing the size of the lump-this is called a bunion. Irritation of the bunion continues to cause increased shoes friction with bone growth and further swelling of the bursa, a bunion enlargement and widening further on foot.

Doctors can usually make the diagnosis of hallux valgus and bunion by directly examining the foot. X-rays can help to ensure the level of hallux valgus.

The pain can be treated by injecting a mixture of corticosteroid with local anesthetic into the bunion. Bunion or modified shoes may also help relieve pressure on the bunion is very sick. Sometimes a painful bunion or hallux valgus severe levels could require repair surgery on the toe position.

Testicular cancer symptoms, causes and prevention

Testicular cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the testes (testicles), which can cause enlarged testicles or cause a lump in the scrotum .

Most testicular cancers occur in under 40 years of age. The cause is not known for sure, but there are several factors that support the occurrence of testicular cancer:

* Undesensus testes (undescended testes into the scrotum)
* The development of abnormal testes
* Klinefelter's syndrome (a sex chromosome disorder characterized by low levels of male hormones, sterility, breast enlargement (gynecomastia) and small testes).

Another factor that may be the cause of testicular cancer but research is still in its early stages of exposure to certain chemicals and infection by HIV. If in any family history of testicular cancer, the risk will increase. 1% of all cancers in men is testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer found in men aged 15-40 Thun.

Testicular cancer is grouped into:

1. Seminoma: 30-40% of all testicular tumors.
Usually found in men aged 30-40 years and confined to the testis.
2. Non-seminoma: a 60% of all testicular tumors.
Subdivided into several subcategories:
- Embryonal carcinoma: about 20% of testicular cancer, occurs at age 20-30 years and very malignant. Growing very rapidly and spreads to the lungs and liver.
- Yolk sac tumor: approximately 60% of all testicular cancers in young men.
- Teratoma: about 7% of testicular cancers in adult men and 40% in boys. - Choriocarcinoma.
- Tumor stromal cells: a tumor composed of Leydig cells, Sertoli cells and granulosa cells. This tumor is 3-4% of all testicular tumors. Tumors can produce the hormone estradiol, which can cause one of the symptoms of testicular cancer, which is gynecomastia.

Symptoms include:
- Testicle enlarged or palpable weird (not as usual)
- Lump or swelling in one or both testicles
- Dull pain in the back or lower abdomen - Gynecomastia
- Discomfort / pain in the testicle or scrotum feels heavy.
But it may also not found any symptoms at all.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination. Other tests are commonly performed:

* Scrotal ultrasound
* Blood tests for tumor markers AFP (alpha fetoprotein), HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and LDH (lactic dehydrogenase).
Nearly 85% of non-seminoma cancer showed elevated levels of AFP or beta HCG.
* Chest X-rays (to determine the spread of cancer to the lungs)
* CT scan of the abdomen (to determine the spread of cancer to the abdominal organs)
* Tissue biopsy.

Treatment depends on the type, stage and severity of the disease. Once cancer is found, the first step is to determine the type of cancer cells. The next stage is determined:

* Stage I: The cancer has not spread beyond the testicle
* Stage II: Cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the abdomen
* Stage III: cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes, get to the heart or lungs.

There are four kinds of treatment that can be used:

1. Surgery: removal of the testes (orkiektomi and removal of lymph nodes (lymphadenectomy
2. Radiation therapy: using high doses of X rays or other high energy rays, is often performed after lymphadenectomy in non-seminoma tumors.
Also used as a primary treatment in seminoma, especially in its early stages.
3. Chemotherapy: used drugs (eg cisplatin, bleomycin, and etoposide) to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy has improved the life expectancy of patients with non-seminoma tumors.
4. Bone marrow transplantation: do if the chemotherapy has caused damage to the bone marrow of patients.

Tumors Seminoma:
- Stage I is treated with irradiation orkiektomi and abdominal lymph nodes
- Stage II treated with orkiektomi, lymph node irradiation and chemotherapy with sisplastin
- Stage III treated with orkiektomi and multi-drug chemotherapy.

Non-seminomas tumors:
- Stage I: treated with orkiektomi and abdominal lymphadenectomy may be performed
- Stage II: treated with lymphadenectomy orkiektomi and abdomen, possibly followed by chemotherapy
- Stage III: treated with chemotherapy and orkiektomi.

If the cancer is a recurrence of previous testicular cancer, some drugs are given chemotherapy (ifosfamide, cisplatin and etoposide or vinblastine).

Gangrene symptoms and prevention

Gangrene is the death of tissue, usually associated with the cessation of blood flow to the affected area.

Gas gangrene caused by infection by bacteria klostridium, which is an-aerobic akteri (grown in the absence of oxygen). During its growth, klostridium produce gas, so-called gas gangrene infection. Gas gangrene generally occurs at the injured body part or on the surgical wound. About 30% of cases occur spontaneously.

Klostridium bacteria produce a variety of toxins, 4 of which (alpha, beta, epsilon, iota) causes symptoms that can be fatal. In addition, tissue necrosis (necrosis), destruction of blood cells (hemolysis), vasoconstriction and vascular leakage. The toxin causes local tissue destruction and systemic symptoms.

Inflammation in the infected area begins as tissue swelling or pale brownish-red color which is very painful. Gas in the tissue can be felt if the finger pressing the swollen area. Klostridium infection also causes the skin felt warm and swollen. Infection can spread under the skin, often forming bullae (large blisters filled with fluid). The liquid is brown and smelly.


Systemic symptoms appear early in infection, include fever, sweating and anxiety. If left untreated, may develop shock-like syndrome, ie decrease in blood pressure (hypotension), kidney failure, coma and death.

Diagnosis is made on the terms of symptoms and physical examination (presence of air in the tissue can be felt / crackles). Radiographs may show gas under the skin. Scanning CT and MRI can help determine the amount of gas and the extent of tissue damage. Fluid from the wound cultured in the laboratory to strengthen the cause is klostridium.

If you suspect a gangrene, broad spectrum antibiotics are given immediately, although klostridia only necessary to destroy penicillin. Removal of damaged tissue. Sometimes if the circulation is very poor, in part or whole limb must be amputated to prevent the spread of infection.

High-pressure oxygen therapy (hyperbaric oxygen) can also be used to treat extensive skin gangrene. Patients are placed in a room that contains a high-pressure oxygen, which will help kill klostridia.

Clean the wound in the skin carefully. Be alert for signs of infection (redness, pain, discharge, swelling).