Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is angina pectoris ?

Angina (angina pectoris) is chest pain or a temporary feeling of depression, which occurs when the heart muscle deprived of oxygen. Oxygen the heart needs to be determined by the severity of the heart (heart rate of speed and strength). Physical and emotional activity causes the heart to work harder and therefore lead to increased cardiac demand for oxygen. If the arteries are narrowed or blocked blood flow to the muscles that can not meet the needs of the heart for oxygen, then it could happen ischemia and cause pain.

Usually angina is the result of coronary artery disease.

Other causes are:

* Aortic valve stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve)
* Aortic valve regurgitation (leakage of the aortic valve)
* Subaortik hypertrophic stenosis
* Arterial spasm (contraction while the arteries that occurs suddenly)
* Severe anemia.

Not all people with angina experience ischemia. Ischemia is not accompanied by angina is called silent ischemia. Still not understood why ischemia is sometimes not cause angina. Usually people feel angina as feeling depressed or pain under the breastbone (sternum).

Pain can also be felt in:
- The left shoulder or left arm next to the
- Back
- Throat, jaw or teeth
- The right arm (sometimes).

Many patients describe the feeling as discomfort rather than pain.

Typical is that angina:
- Triggered by physical activity
- Lasted no more than a few minutes
- Would disappear if the patient rest.

Sometimes patients can predict the occurrence of angina after performing certain activities.

Angina is often worse if:
- Physical activity after eating
- Cold weather
- Emotional stress.

Variant Angina
Is the result of coronary artery spasm in the large surface of the heart, called variant as indicated by:
- Pain that occurs when the patient is resting, not when doing physical activity
- Certain changes in the ECG.

Unstable Angina
Angina is a pattern of symptoms changes. Characteristics of angina in a patient usually remains, therefore any change is a serious problem (eg pain becomes more severe, the attacks become more frequent or pain occur when you're resting). Such changes usually show a rapid progression of coronary artery disease, which has occurred due to blockage of a coronary artery or rupture of an atheroma formation .The risk is very high occurrence of heart attacks. Unstable angina is an emergency.

The diagnosis is mainly based on symptoms. Among even during an attack of angina, physical examination or EKG showed only minimal abnormalities. During an attack, could be slightly increased heart rate, blood pressure increases and can hear the typical changes in the heartbeat through a stethoscope. During an attack, could be found of changes in the ECG, but between attacks, the ECG may show normal results, even in patients with severe coronary artery disease.

If symptoms are typical, the diagnosis is easily established. This type of pain, location and relationship with activities, meals, weather and other factors will facilitate the diagnosis.

Particular examination can help determine the severity of ischemia and the presence of coronary artery disease:

1. Exercise tolerance testing is an examination where the patient walking on a treadmill and monitored by an EKG. This examination can assess the severity of coronary artery disease and heart's ability to respond to ischemia. The results of this examination can also help determine whether or not performed coronary arteriography or surgery.
2. Radionuclide imaging is performed in conjunction with exercise tolerance testing can provide valuable information about angina. The depiction of radionuclides not only strengthen the ischemia, but also determine the areas and extent of the affected heart muscle and show the amount of blood to the heart muscle.
3. Exercise echocardiography is an examination in which an echocardiogram obtained by ultrasonic waves reflected from the heart. This examination may show heart size, heart muscle movement, blood flow through heart valves and valve function. Echocardiogram performed at rest and at peak activity. If there is ischemia, then the pumping motion of the left ventricular wall appears abnormal.
4. Coronary arteriography can be performed if the diagnosis of coronary artery disease or ischemia is uncertain. This check is used to determine the severity of coronary artery disease and to help determine whether coronary artery bypass surgery or angioplasty.
5. Continuous ECG monitoring with Holter monitors showed abnormalities of silent ischemia.
6. Angiography can sometimes find a spasm in the coronary arteries that do not have an atheroma.

Treatment begins with an effort to prevent coronary artery disease, slowing progresivitasnya or against it by addressing risk factors. The main risk factors (eg increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels), treated as appropriate. The most important risk factor is cigarette smoking could be prevented.

Treatment of angina mainly depends on the weight and stability of symptoms. If symptoms are stable and mild to moderate, the most effective way is to reduce risk factors and take your medicine.

If symptoms worsen quickly, usually the patient immediately treated and given medication in hospital. If symptoms do not disappear with medication, dietary changes and lifestyle, then it could be used angiography to determine whether coronary artery bypass surgery or angioplasty.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

allergic conjunctival inflammation symptoms and prevention

Red eye is allergic conjunctival inflammation caused by allergic reactions.

Conjunctiva contains many cells of the immune system (mast cells) that release chemicals (mediators) in response to various stimuli (such as pollen or dust mites). These mediators cause inflammation of the eye, which may be brief or last a long time. About 20% of men have high levels of red eye allergy.

Red eye allergies are seasonal and sustainable red eye allergy is the most frequent types of allergic reactions in the eye. Red eyes that seasonal allergies are often caused by tree or grass pollen, therefore this type arise, especially in the spring or summer . Weed pollens responsible for allergic symptoms of red eyes in the summer and early autumn. Red eye allergies occur year-round sustainable; most often caused by dust mites, animal fur, and feathers.

Vernal is a form of red eye red eye allergy is more serious where the cause is unknown. The condition is most common in boys, particularly those aged less than 10 years who have eczema, asthma or seasonal allergies. Vernal red eyes usually recur every spring and disappear in the fall and winter. Many children do not experience it again in young adulthood.

People with all forms of red eye allergy develops quickly into itchy and burning sensation in both eyes. Although usually the same, sometimes, one eye may be more infected than the other eye. Conjunctiva becomes red, and sometimes swollen conjunctiva, causing the surface of the eyeball looks pudgy so many people feel disturbed. On the seasonal and sustainable red eyes, very much a thin watery stools. The views are rarely affected.

At the vernal red eye, eye dirt lot and like mucus. Unlike other types of allergic red eye, red eye vernal often affects the cornea, and painful ulcers that can occur. These ulcers cause excessive sensitivity to bright light and sometimes cause a permanent reduction in vision.

Doctors recognized by the appearance of red eye allergy and typical symptoms.

The condition is treated with anti-allergy eye drops. Such drugs include cromolyn, lodoxamide, olopatadine, and antihistamine eye drops, such as emedastine and levocabastine. Ketorolac eye drops have anti-inflammatory and helps cope with symptoms. Corticosteroid eye drops have a better anti-inflammatory, but they should not be used more than a few weeks without the inherent observation because they can cause increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma), cataracts, and increased risk of eye infections. Recently, eye drops that can inhibit the effects of spending and cause swelling such as azelastine, nedocromil, and pemirolast, has been used well.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Anorectal abscess symptoms and prevention

Anorectal abscess is a collection of pus caused by the entry of bacteria into the room around the anus and rectum.

The entry of bacteria into the area around the anus and rectum.

Abscesses under the skin may be swollen, red, tender and very painful. Abscesses are located higher in the rectum, may not cause symptoms, but can cause fever and pain in the lower abdomen.

Diagnosis based on examination results in the area around the anus and rectum. Using gloves, gently swelling can be felt in the rectum, although from the outside does not look any swelling.

Antibiotics have limited value except in patients who experienced fever, diabetes, or infections in other body parts. Usually, treatment consists of injections with local anesthetic, opened the abscess and ooze pus. Sometimes, patients are treated and get general anesthesia before the doctor to open and drain the abscess. After all pus removed, can form a tunnel leading to abnormal skin (anorectal fistula).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What is Chronic cholecystitis ?

Chronic cholecystitis is a chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall, which is characterized by recurrent attacks of abdominal pain is sharp and superb.

Chronic cholecystitis caused by recurrent attacks of acute cholecystitis, which causes thickening of the gallbladder wall and gallbladder contraction. In the end unable to accommodate the gallbladder bile. The disease is more common in women and increased the number of events at the age above 40 years. Risk factor for chronic cholecystitis is the presence of previous history of acute cholecystitis.

The onset of symptoms can be triggered by eating fatty foods.
Symptoms can include:
- Chronic digestive disorders
- Abdominal pain are not clear (vague)
- Burp.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of examination of the following:
- CT scan of the abdomen
- Oral Kolesistogram
- Abdominal ultrasound.

The usual treatment is surgery. Cholecystectomy can be performed through the abdomen or through laparoscopic surgery. Patients who have a high surgical risk because of other medical conditions, it is recommended to undergo a diet low in fat and lose weight. Can be given antacids and anticholinergic drugs.

Someone who never had an attack of acute cholecystitis and gall bladder has not been appointed, should reduce the intake of fat and lose weight.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chlamydia causes and prevention

Chlamydia including one in which venereal disease is easily transmitted through casual sex. Diseases caused by bacteria can infect men and women. Uniquely, the one who exposed these germs, are not aware of having contracted. Even though it has not infected, the patient can transmit the disease to their partners.

This disease can cause interference with the line art (the urethra), cervix (cervical), the release pathway rectum, throat, and eyes. Although resulting in a lot of hassle, but can be prevented.

Chlamydia - these conditions have symptoms similar to gonorrhea, although it could also act without symptoms. In America, Chlamydia is among the most treatable, but has infected about four million people each year. This disease can cause severe arthritis and infertility in men. Such as syphilis and gonorrhea, sufferers can be cured with antibiotics.

How is transmitted?
Free sex of course. Chlamydia is spread through intimate contact with the sufferer, will be more vulnerable again if you change partners enterprising. This disease arises 2-14 days after infection. If it is so, people can develop the disease for months, even years without knowing it.

For women, will experience cramps in the lower abdomen, changes in schedule menstruation, pain during urination, bleeding and mucus changes in the genitals. Whereas in men, will remove the mucus on the genitalia, pain during urination, pain and swelling in the testicles.

Even in women and men, infection of the rectum can occur without the knowledge of the patient. Patients will only feel pain and mucus in the anus.

Prevention can be done by not having sexual activity before marriage, be faithful to your partner, stay away from deviant sexual behavior and risk, bring themselves to God and the teachings of religion, filtration solicitation, encouragement, or any appeal which directly or indirectly invited to immorality, such as through information media such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, internet, and so on, that's what needs to be done.