Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What is Enterobakteria ?

Enterobakteria is a group of bacteria that can cause infections of the digestive tract or other organs. These organisms are naturally many lives in the digestive tract.

As for that included in this group are:

* Salmonella
* Shigella
* Escherichia
* Klebsiella
* Enterobacter
* Serratia
* Proteus
* Morganella
* Providencia
* Yersinia.

Although Escherichia coli is naturally live in the digestive tract, but certain species of E. coli can cause bloody diarrhea, diarrhea or diarrhea inflammation such as water (Traveler's diarrhea, travelers diarrhea).

In children, diarrhea caused by E. enterohemoragik coli causing Hemolytic-uremic syndrome. E. coli is also a cause of urinary tract infections and can infect the bloodstream, bladder, lungs and skin. Bacteremia and meningitis E. coli occurs in newborns, especially premature infants.

Usually antibiotics are given immediately. For urinary tract infections, may be given sulfa-per-oral (by mouth). For severe infections, intravenous antibiotics is required (through a vein). Infections Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Serratia are usually acquired in hospitals, especially in patients whose ability to fight infection decreases.

Pneumonia due to Klebsiella rare, but it is a lung infection that weight that often occurs in people with diabetes and alcoholism. Cough accompanied by sputum arising brown or dark red color. Pneumonia can cause lung abscess and empyema (pus collection in the lining of the lungs). Early treatment with intravenous cephalosporin or quinolone (through a vein) can cure Klebsiella pneumonia.

Proteus is a set of bacteria that are normally found in soil, water and feces. These bacteria can also cause infections in, especially in the abdominal cavity, urinary tract and bladder.

Common diseases caused by enterobakteria are:

* Typhoid Fever
* Non-Typhoid Salmonella Infections
* Sigelosis.

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