Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What is Hallux valgus ?

Hallux valgus is a disorder where the big toe, where the joints at the base of the toes bulge out from the side of the outside of the foot and the toes pointing inward (facing the smaller toes). Bunion is a painful swelling on fluid-filled sac at the base of the toes that occurs because of hallux vagus.

The cause of hallux valgus usually is footwear that fits and painful, but easily cuts against this disorder appears to have declined in the family. Because women often dictate fashion shoes that are less good, women are more prone to this deformity.

Hallux valgus actually make widening on foot because the basic toe bulge out from the foot. Irregularities in the big toe also occurs, so that the toe is pointing out the smaller toes. As a result, a bump on the edge of your toes, metatarsal heads where the base meets the toes. Under these lumps are exchanges (fluid-filled sacs).

Bursa becomes irritated with friction with shoes, resulting in swelling of the bursa under the bump, thereby increasing the size of the lump-this is called a bunion. Irritation of the bunion continues to cause increased shoes friction with bone growth and further swelling of the bursa, a bunion enlargement and widening further on foot.

Doctors can usually make the diagnosis of hallux valgus and bunion by directly examining the foot. X-rays can help to ensure the level of hallux valgus.

The pain can be treated by injecting a mixture of corticosteroid with local anesthetic into the bunion. Bunion or modified shoes may also help relieve pressure on the bunion is very sick. Sometimes a painful bunion or hallux valgus severe levels could require repair surgery on the toe position.

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