Saturday, November 5, 2011

What is Hipolipoproteinemia ?

Hipolipoproteinemia is the low levels of fats in the blood.

Hipolipoproteinemia rarely cause problems, but it could be an indication of other diseases.

For example, low cholesterol levels can be found at:

An overactive thyroid gland
Malabsorption (impaired absorption of food in the digestive tract).

Some rare hereditary disease, caused low levels of fat that can lead to serious problems:

Hipobetalipoproteinemia: very low LDL cholesterol levels, but usually causes no symptoms and require no treatment.

Abetalipoproteinemia: no LDL cholesterol and can not make the chylomicrons, resulting in:
- Malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins
- Abnormal bowel movements
- Fatty stools (steatorrhea)
- Red blood cells form an odd
- Blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa.
The disease is not curable, but consume large amounts of vitamin E and vitamin A can slow or delay the occurrence of damage to the nervous system.

Tangier disease: HDL cholesterol levels are very low and cause neurological dysfunction and enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils, liver and spleen.

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