Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yogurt can improve immunity and decrease yeast infections

Yogurt, which is one form of fermented milk can be a source of calcium for those who experience lactose intolerance (milk have diarrhea when eating).

As a source of calcium, yogurt can certainly help prevent the osteoporosis that usually affects middle-aged women and elderly. In addition, a study shows, yogurt can overcome the problem of gastrointestinal infections.

Probiotic bacteria found in yogurt can fight bad bacteria in the digestive system and helps the journey of food in the gastrointestinal tract. In effect, blood sugar and fat levels can be maintained at good levels and also helps absorption of calcium. The content of prostaglandin effective to prevent diarrhea.

10 Reasons Yogurt is a Healthy Food

1. Yogurt is easier to digest than milk.
Many people who cannot tolerate milk, either because of a protein allergy or lactose intolerance, can enjoy yogurt. The culturing process makes yogurt more digestible than milk. The live active cultures create lactase, the enzyme lactose-intolerant people lack, and another enzyme contained in some yogurts (beta-galactosidase) also helps improve lactose absorption in lactase-deficient persons. Bacterial enzymes created by the culturing process, partially digest the milk protein casein, making it easier to absorb and less allergenic. In our pediatric practice, we have observed that children who cannot tolerate milk can often eat yogurt without any intestinal upset. While the amount varies among brands of yogurt, in general, yogurt has less lactose than milk. The culturing process has already broken down the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose, two sugars that are easily absorbed by lactose-intolerant persons.

2. Yogurt contributes to colon health.
There's a medical truism that states: "You're only as healthy as your colon." When eating yogurt, you care for your colon in two ways. First, yogurt contains lactobacteria, intestines-friendly bacterial cultures that foster a healthy colon, and even lower the risk of colon cancer. Lactobacteria, especially acidophilus, promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon and reduces the conversion of bile into carcinogenic bile acids. The more of these intestines-friendly bacteria that are present in your colon, the lower the chance of colon diseases. Basically, the friendly bacteria in yogurt seems to deactivate harmful substances (such as nitrates and nitrites before they are converted to nitrosamines) before they can become carcinogenic.

Secondly, yogurt is a rich source of calcium - a mineral that contributes to colon health and decreases the risk of colon cancer. Calcium discourages excess growth of the cells lining the colon, which can place a person at high risk for colon cancer. Calcium also binds cancer-producing bile acids and keeps them from irritating the colon wall. People that have diets high in calcium (e.g. Scandinavian countries) have lower rates of colorectal cancer. One study showed that an average intake of 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day is associated with a 75 percent reduction of colorectal cancer. As a survivor of colon cancer, I have a critical interest in the care of my colon. My life depends on it.

3. Yogurt improves the bioavailability of other nutrients. Culturing of yogurt increases the absorption of calcium and B-vitamins. The lactic acid in the yogurt aids in the digestion of the milk calcium, making it easier to absorb.

4. Yogurt can boost immunity. Researchers who studied 68 people who ate two cups of live-culture yogurt daily for three months found that these persons produced higher levels of immunity boosting interferon. The bacterial cultures in yogurt have also been shown to stimulate infection-fighting white cells in the bloodstream. Some studies have shown yogurt cultures to contain a factor that has anti-tumor effects in experimental animals.

NUTRITIP: Yogurt - Good for Young and Old

Yogurt is a valuable health food for both infants and elderly persons. For children, it is a balanced source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals in a texture that kids love. For senior citizens, who usually have more sensitive colons or whose intestines have run out of lactase, yogurt is also a valuable food. Elderly intestines showed declining levels of bifidus bacteria, which allow the growth of toxin-producing and, perhaps, cancer-causing bacteria.

5. Yogurt aids healing after intestinal infections.
Some viral and allergic gastrointestinal disorders injure the lining of the intestines, especially the cells that produce lactase. This results in temporary lactose malabsorption problems. This is why children often cannot tolerate milk for a month or two after an intestinal infection. Yogurt, however, because it contains less lactose and more lactase, is usually well-tolerated by healing intestines and is a popular "healing food" for diarrhea. Many pediatricians recommend yogurt for children suffering from various forms of indigestion. Research shows that children recover faster from diarrhea when eating yogurt. It's good to eat yogurt while taking antibiotics. The yogurt will minimize the effects of the antibiotic on the friendly bacteria in the intestines.

NUTRITIP: A Chaser for Antibiotics

Antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria; they also kill the healthy ones in the intestines. The live bacterial cultures in yogurt can help replenish the intestines with helpful bacteria before the harmful ones take over. I usually "prescribe" a daily dose of yogurt while a person is taking antibiotics and for two weeks thereafter.

A 1999 study reported in Pediatrics showed that lactobacillus organisms can reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

6. Yogurt can decrease yeast infections. Research has shown that eating eight ounces of yogurt that contains live and active cultures daily reduces the amount of yeast colonies in the vagina and decreases the incidence of vaginal yeast infections.

7. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium. An 8-ounce serving of most yogurts provides 450 mg. of calcium, one-half of a child's RDA and 30 to 40 percent of the adult RDA for calcium. Because the live-active cultures in yogurt increase the absorption of calcium, an 8-ounce serving of yogurt gets more calcium into the body than the same volume of milk can.

8. Yogurt is an excellent source of protein. Plain yogurt contains around ten to fourteen grams of protein per eight ounces, which amounts to twenty percent of the daily protein requirement for most persons. In fact, eight ounces of yogurt that contains live and active cultures, contains 20 percent more protein than the same volume of milk (10 grams versus 8 grams). Besides being a rich source of proteins, the culturing of the milk proteins during fermentation makes these proteins easier to digest. For this reason, the proteins in yogurt are often called "predigested."

9. Yogurt can lower cholesterol. There are a few studies that have shown that yogurt can reduce the blood cholesterol. This may be because the live cultures in yogurt can assimilate the cholesterol or because yogurt binds bile acids, (which has also been shown to lower cholesterol), or both.

10. Yogurt is a "grow food." Two nutritional properties of yogurt may help children with intestinal absorption problems grow: the easier digestibility of the proteins and the fact that the lactic acid in yogurt increases the absorption of minerals. And even most picky-eaters will eat yogurt in dips and smoothies and as a topping.

Perhaps we can take a health tip about yogurt cultures from cultures who consume a lot of yogurt, such as the Bulgarians who are noted for their longer lifespan and remain in good health well into old age.

NUTRMYTH: All foods made with yogurt are created equal

Not so. In fact, the yogurt used to coat nibble foods such as raisins, nuts, and fruit bits is often so highly sugared that you're really eating more sugar than yogurt.

According to news reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating yogurt regularly can improve immunity, particularly those associated with digestion.

Avoid rapid weight loss with healthy life

Slim and healthy body would be a desire of every woman. Many ways have been followed, from the diet, liposuction, to the insanely fast. But often does not work and actually even make your appetite increase. Losing weight too quickly without expert supervision can pose many risks include:

Loss of muscle mass. When lack of energy, the body will prevent the muscle to produce energy. Why is that? Body fat reserves instead of effective energy so the body will use it as the last backup. Loss of muscle mass causes a slowing metabolism. This causes the weight will easily go up again when food intake returned to normal eating patterns.
The skin can be loosened when the body loses weight quickly. Although the skin is elastic, stretch and process is slow. The rapid weight loss, skin does not have time to adapt, so it looks loose and hanging. Things to look real in the abdominal area and arms
Muscle loss also means the loss of body water reserves, because it is the main component of muscle is water. Someone who lost weight in large quantities will usually limit the intake of water. Dehydration will cause various problems such as dizziness, lack of energy, kidney stones, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Losing weight quickly will disturb the balance of cholesterol and bile salts in the gallbladder, causing the formation of gallstones.
Hair can fall out. As is known, the hair needs protein for healthy growth. Calorie restriction is usually accompanied by drastic restriction of protein intake. Lack of protein causes the body to use proteins that are, more to the function of vital organs of the body, thereby compromising hair health.

Some tips to lose weight:

Fixed consumption of foods with these varied in order to obtain a complete intake of nutrients. Limit energy intake from fat, especially saturated fat. Increase intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and nuts, and limit intake of sugar and salt
Do not be tempted to lose weight too drastic because the resulting loss of muscle energy reserves (glycogen) and water so the body will decrease metabolic rate. This resulted in barriers to burn more calories your body. If your diet back to original pattern, the body will take calories to be stored in fat cells for the inventory so the weight will rise again.
The focus of behavioral changes to achieve realistic results for long-term (annual), not to run weekly.
Do not stop the consumption of certain foods because it will cause the dieter to eat them secretly. Better to limit their consumption with the thought, "I know that I can eat them but do I have to eat them?" Better to replace it with similar types of foods are low in fat.
When it is full or has been satisfied by eating a certain dish, immediately stop taking them. Do not continue to eat until the stomach feels solid.
Make changes to your diet gradually. Changes little by little easier compared to the drastic changes. Begin with leaving a little food on a plate (not finish), or choose water over soft drinks.
Increase activity such as walking or cycling to work , up and down stairs several times a day while at work, shopping or walking around the place became a member of the fitness center or sports team.

Meditation and yoga for stress solution

Stress is part of life and attack us in various situations. For example in our time stuck in traffic, dealing with employment issues, domestic issues, etc.. Stress is a natural reaction when the sympathetic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system - SNS) in the body become activated so that the body release stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). When you are facing a crucial situation, the level of SNS become activated resulting in increased blood pressure and heart pressure to be fast. Usually the level of adrenaline, cortisol, blood pressure and heart rate will return to normal when the situation has passed. When faced with a serious situation, stress hormones tend to increase and last longer at this level. It thus resulting in increased blood pressure and heart rate became irregular causing new diseases such as insomnia, ulcers, headaches, and even more serious diseases such as diabetes and stroke.

Yoga as a solution

Yoga is not just physical exercises (asanas). Yoga teaches us to help control "traffic flow" of our minds. Duty office, prayer, memory, shadow someone's face, all jumbled passing in our brains without control. Patanjali, a yoga philosopher and author of Yoga Sutras, states, yoga is a process to slow fluctuations in our minds. Yoga will help us achieve the peace and quiet. The mind will be more focused. This is closely related to stress, because stress is often caused by our inability to control the mind.


Many scientific studies that prove that meditation is good to give you peace of mind. In terms of health, meditation helps lower blood pressure, normalize the heartbeat, maintain the stability of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). There are many ways of meditation. Way below is a simple practice that easy to do:

Meditation with a focus on breathing

Sit comfortably cross-legged or can also use a chair. Keep your back straight during meditation, no slouch.
Place your hands on your knees and close your eyes.
Focus your mind on your breathing. Breathe comfortably and gently. At first this is not easy, you will often miss the focus of breathing to thinking about this like a family event to attend, homework to be done, schedule meetings, etc.. Do not worry, every time that happens, return the focus on your breathing. With regular and continuous exercise, the longer you can stay focused longer on your breathing.
Start this meditation for five minutes and gradually increase the time to 20 minutes. Take time to practice yoga every day and when accompanied with a healthy diet will undoubtedly feel the benefits

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Becareful with silicone injection

If you want to make sharp nose, filling your chin, or breasts, should not be to the beauty salon because of the impact can cause prolonged illness

Collagen is EXPENSIVE
In addition, it needs to check the authenticity of collagen. Because collagen is the original price is quite expensive. One cc price could reach U.S. $ 80-100. In fact, necessary to enlarge the breast as much as 200 cc liquid collagen, which means it needs to fund around 40 thousand dollars. "Some people ask her breasts grew in beauty salons because they want cheap.
Collagen derived from animals (usually cattle) resemble human tissue, so that when injected into the body, some will be absorbed by the body. However, a month later, need to be evaluated, "

Since then the patient's ignorance of business actors often called liquid silicone as collagen. The impact of injected liquid silicone, 1-2 years later, in the injected area, such as chin or nose, will be colored red and swollen (a sign of rejection of the body), so it looks like a witch down. "Sidik said.
Cancer-prone women age (35-45 years) also should be careful because of swelling caused by fluid silicone would complicate the detection if there is cancer or a tumor.
To enlarge the breasts should use a silicone gel. Silicone jelly encased in a sac, making it easy removed if it causes an allergic reaction. Meanwhile, to form the nose, you should use solid silicone that can be shaped as you wish and easily dismantled if there is an allergic reaction, "he continued.

You've got an injection of liquid silicone? Fingerprints do not rush to recommend asking the silicon removed or demolished. "We recommend consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, whether liquid silicone had to be removed or not."
If a nose or a chin that is not injected too much change, it's better left alone. "Because even if the surgery will leave a scar."

3 ways to make teeth white

White teeth would be everyone's dream. Now, there are various ways to make your teeth become whiter. Want an instant manner or time consuming? You can just choose.

The white color your teeth can be lost due to food, beverages, and smoking habits. "Often taking antibiotics containing tetracycline also resulted in changing the color of your teeth dull," explained

3 ways to make teeth white
Want a quick or old? The process of teeth whitening you can choose the appropriate contents of the bag and needs.

1. Bleaching with Gel
Initial step, the doctor will print the dentist for the manufacture of the sample tray (container) teeth in the laboratory. Once the tray is ready, teeth whitening gel can be done at home. The trick, apply a whitening gel in the tray, then put the tray on the teeth. "Bleaching is performed during sleep that night. When I woke up in the morning, the new tray can be removed, then brush your teeth and clean his tray," said Lita. If done for three consecutive days, the coveted white teeth will soon be held. The cost of dental care with a gel pack is around Rp. 1.5 to 2 million.

2. Bleaching with a Laser
Bleaching is the way it must be with the help of the dentist. The trick, before dilaser, given a protective gum. After that, the teeth irradiated with a beam of high enough, then rinsed and irradiated again. The changes will be visible only within a 0.5 to 1 hour.

3. Bleaching with tape bleach
Bleaching with tape only takes half an hour and the result only lasted a few days. In the process bleaching, masking tape affixed to the teeth whitening for half an hour. Once removed, the tooth will appear to be whiter. "The price of a package masking tape is quite expensive.

There are four classes of the color of teeth, namely A, B, C, and D. "Teeth in class A is a tooth with a yellowish color. Class B is a white teeth, the category C and D are grayish-brown teeth," said Lita.
Each class consists of 5 strips. Your dentist will determine where the grade of your teeth and raise the two strips to make it look more white. Suppose you are in class A2 then raised two strips into A4.

Teeth whitening is not done in children, because children have tooth space that is still quite wide, so the more vulnerable the irritation and sense of pains. Typically, bleaching performed on people aged over 15 years where the state of his teeth is well established.

Know more about rheumatic disease

There are over 100 kinds of rheumatic disease caused by infection, immune system disorders, metabolic disorders, or disorders due to other diseases. The main symptoms of arthritis is usually pain in the muscles, bones, and joints due to the entry of germs, viruses, or fungi into the body.

Acute attacks of rheumatism of the most "popular" is the result of excess uric acid in the body. It happened because of the disruption in the body's metabolic system. If elevated levels of uric acid, can lead to deposition in the blood and eventually causes inflammation in the joints. On uric acid, most felt pain at the base of the toes. Complaints can also occur in many other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or thyroid disorders.

Some types of arthritis can strike group certain age or gender. "For example, arthritis associated with osteoporosis or type of SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) more often affects women, arthritic gout in uric acid are more susceptible experienced by men, seronegative spondyloarthropathies rheumatic group attacked in their 20s and rheumatic groups of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis attacking the children. The last group can even attack the baby. Symptoms of arthritis in infants is more difficult to resolve. But, it can be seen through the observation of everyday parents. We should be suspicious if he often fussy and crying during parts of her body moved , "

When muscles and joints feel inflamed and painful,Reduce the load and rest your sore joints. If you need to compress the joints are sore," adding massage therapy should be done to help the healing process as long as done correctly.

Rheumatism is often considered a mild disease so that a layman like to eliminate the pain that arises by taking the drug are sold freely on the market. Though we do not know for sure abortion. "It is better to consult a physician to ensure appropriate pain relief medication,

Green tea make your teet health

we often hear that Green tea can dissolve fat content, it also can prevent tooth decay. Most likely, this ability because of polyphenolic compounds, mainly catechins her, and fluoride.

In Japan had done research on a number of volunteers who were asked to wash his mouth with tea contains polyphenols, after they eat. The result, green tea can significantly reduce the occurrence of plaques, including against those who do not brush or floss your teeth. Other studies also show, in those who drank tea regularly proven cases of tooth decay decreased and the level of damage is not too severe.

Apparently toothpaste containing green tea from the research results can also reduce dental plaque.

Seeing the benefits of green tea are so great against the tooth, there's nothing wrong if we often drink green tea in order to have a strong and healthy teeth.

Baby massage make infant healthy, happy, and confident

Parenting babies do not just feed, drink, and toys. Babies need attention include massaged, caressed, and loved. The result he will be healthy, happy, and confident. Condition, a massage is the parent or the person nearest the baby. Could grandfathers, grandmothers, or baby sitter, but not a therapist or masseur.

Why is that massage is a parent or the person nearest the baby? According to Rina Poerwadi a certified infant massage instructor (certified infant massage instructor), this situation occurs in the learning process to both the baby and parents. When a massage, a baby learns to recognize parents' voices, smell, and touch. If the process is correct, when massaged, your baby will feel safe and comfortable. No thrashing let alone to cry loudly. Babies and parents working together. There is no element of coercion, and both enjoy being together.

At the time of massage created an atmosphere of togetherness and ligature love (intimacy and bonding) between parent and child. Attention and affection felt by the infant's parents directly. Events intimacy and love this tie straps will be recorded by both, for life. Touch and massage this love will be the most effective means of communication between parents and children when one day the emotional tension between them.

Massage also provides an opportunity both for each expression. Although babies can not express a clear intention to parents, body language is a form of direct communication. Are clearly visible in the face of the little joy, confidence, and feeling relaxed. During the massage the tiny, you would have to maintain eye contact, kissing, caressing it gently, including invited talk. This action will maintain the closeness of your relationship with your baby. Although it seems merely to massage, you've increased the emotional attachment with him.

Humor make life healthier and longer

Do not like the humor? Think again. Recent research suggests that indulging a sense of humor you can prolong life, making life healthier. Laughter not only release the stress, enhance social life, and lowers blood pressure, but also boost the immune system. Moreover, the humor becomes more valuable as increasing age, and was associated with a satisfying life. Once the research conducted in Switzerland.

Want to know more about the health side of humor? Consider the five striking facts of the health side of humor that loaded BBC.

It's easier to breathe

"Ninety per cent of laughter involves deep breathing," said Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley and author of Born to Be Good. "When the exhaled breath, pulse and blood pressure dropped and you enter the calm conditions. You will feel the sensation of the release of laughter. "

Better relationships.

Couples who told jokes and laughed lightly to relieve the tension tends to have a better marriage, says psychologist John Gottman, Ph.D., from the Gottman Institute, social relationship problems counseling center in Seattle.

Against stress

Laughter can reduce stress dopac hormone, cortisol, and epinephrine in a row until 38%, 39%, and 70% according to research at Loma Linda University, California. Research at the University of Maryland with a short film showing, those who watched funny films experienced an increase in blood flow to the heart as much as 22%.

Feel healthier

Laughter not only releases the tension, but also makes you healthier. People who laugh 10-25 times a day much less affected by the disease than those with less than that amount in a day. So according to study International Journal of Medical Sciences.

Work better

According to Men's Health survey, of nearly 600 men who responded, 73% of them stated that having a sense of humor makes them better at work

How to know swimmers ear Infection

Infection "swimmers ear" is an infection of the ear canal. In general if you scrape the ear will have a small bulge on your ear canal. But if you are infected with swimmer's ear, when you scrape your ears .Let's explore the types of infection in the ear that is often experienced by swimmers.

Infection "swimmers ear" also referred to as acute external otitis. Ear infections are different from ear infections in general. Usually when children are infected, we call it otitis media, which occurred in the middle ear canal. This infection often occurs when children are cold.
Infection "swimmers ear" occurs when bacteria grow in the ear canal, on the road to the ear drum area. In a rut, you will find delicate skin protected by a thin coating of earwax. Often the outgoing water can enter through the ear canal, without causing problems. Not always definitely infected, even though you shower or bath.

The bacteria will grow when the water clog the ear canal and sweeping protective coating of earwax. Too often swim can remove the protective layer and cause wet conditions in the ear canal. Bacteria grows, the ear canal becomes red and swollen. Sometimes children can be exposed to the infection, although they do not swim though. Small scratch or irritate the ear canal can also cause infection "swimmers ear".

When Ear Infection, How to Know?
Infection "swimmers ear" begins with the appearance of itching. Do not scratch because it can worsen the infection. Swelling of the ear is a common sign of infection "swimmers ear". Even touching the outside of the ear just feels sore. Because of infection, the hearing could be disrupted. This is because the swelling of the ear canal.

If your doctor diagnose you is infected, it will immediately give eardrops containing antibiotics to kill bacteria. Sometimes the doctor may use a wick. But that does not wick candles! Axis that means is that doctors put the tiny sponge on your ear. Drug has been put on the sponge and let the drug absorbed in the infected ear canal. Axis will be released after treatment ended.

Even though your ears have felt better, could have told doctors to use these drops. You see, too fast to stop treating can cause re-infection.

When Can swim again?
Questions Children want to know is "When can swim again?" You need to ask the doctor. It could be 10 days. This could be because the child will disappoint summer pass you by. However, is not it better so than the pain anymore because of recurrence of infection.

If these infections pose a problem for you, or your kids like to play water, the doctor will give advice that can protect you from the affliction. For example, he will teach parents how to suck water swimmer's ear When a problem for you or the kids always want to play water, doctors always have advice to protect you from those problems. For example, if your ears clogged water, your mother or father could have been issued in a special way to remove water that clog your ears. This is an extra step to keep your ear to be ready during the summer holidays.

What is hypertension ?

Inside our bodies, like public transport blood to and fro through the network of blood vessels. This blood carries nutrients (nutrients) and oxygen to be sent to all parts of the body. The engine of the blood to be flowing continually is the heart.

When the heart pumps blood, the flow pressure arises against blood vessel walls. Under normal circumstances the pressure when the heart contracts (systolic) is under 120 mmHg, whereas when the heart relaxes (diastolic) below 80 mmHg. However, there is also a give ancer-ancer, the ideal blood pressure (gold standard) 115 / 75 mmHg.

People said to suffer from high blood pressure if their blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg or higher as measured in both arms three times within a period of several weeks. (See the table "Classification of Blood Pressure in Adults"). One in three people with darting disease (high blood pressure) did not show signs or symptoms of anything. Unfortunately, if hypertension is not controlled can damage the heart and blood vessels leading to the emergence of several other conditions such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or disorders of the eye.

Cause there are two types of hypertension.

Primary or essential hypertension who do not or unknown cause (located at + 90% of all cases of hypertension). Estimated to cause this type of hypertension, among others, changes in the heart and blood vessels, smoking, age (above 35 years), family history, overweight (obesity), an inactive lifestyle (supine exercise), stress, alcohol, or salt in of food. All of this is called a risk factor for primary hypertension.
Secondary hypertension caused or impact of other diseases such as chronic kidney disease, hormonal disorders, or use of certain drugs such as birth control pills.

Blood pressure is usually not the same throughout the day. Within 24 hours the pressure in the arteries experiencing natural fluctuations. The highest pressure usually occurs on the morning after waking up and doing activities. Then, going steady all day and then drop at night. The lowest point in the early morning when we fell asleep.

Blood pressure also changes with body position changes. For example, in a sitting or sleeping position

Monday, October 24, 2011

simple tips to beat the fatigue

Do you often feel lose the spirit? Here are ten simple tips to beat the fatigue that is often attacked.

Move! Exercise to restore the energy you have to spend. Physical activity makes you alert and excited.
Find a workout friend. Research shows that people are more resistant to join a fitness program that together with friends.
Keep the candy! Indeed chewed on candy can give you full of energy, but you will then feel more tired than before.
Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue, therefore drink at least eight glasses a day. Reduce drinking coffee because coffee drinking is more than a cup a day keeps the body loses fluids drastically.
Get to know your biological clock. Throughout the day, the body's natural rhythm. So, fit your activities in order to be truly efficient. The most excellent mental alertness during the morning. Daytime is best to do routine tasks are boring.
Sleep for a while. Nap during the day when the brain fatigue can refresh the spirit .
Eat several small meals is better than eating three large meals. This avoids blood sugar spikes that cause fatigue.
Stay away from sugar and fat because it causes drowsiness. Eat less rice or bread.
Even the slightest change in routine can cheer. Changing the radio station, replace your shower time, or buy a different newspaper.
Keep stress. That means learning not to think about problems beyond your capabilities. Concentrate on the things that you can set.

The importance of premarital examination

Highly recommended for couples getting married for the premarital examination. Series of tests done to avoid some diseases and disorders, including those caused by disease / congenital abnormalities that can be lowered.

One of the noble purpose of marriage is procreation. In addition to mental readiness, physical readiness required also primed to welcome the coming of offspring. Prospective husband and wife it is better to check the readiness of their reproductive organs, so that the offspring will have become more fluent.
premarital examination includes several things, including routine blood tests (HB, platelets, hemoglobin analysis, leukocytes), blood type and Rhesus, urine routine (urinalisa), hepatitis, especially hepatitis B & C, and blood sugar.
Why premarital examination to be important? With a premarital examination, there are some things that can be avoided.

1. Rhesus which intersect
Most Asian nations have a Rhesus positive, while Europeans average negative. Sometimes, couples do not know the Rhesus blood of each partner. In fact, if Rhesusnya crossed, could affect the quality of offspring.

If a woman (Reshus negative) married men (Rhesus positive), her first baby has a chance to air-Rhesus negative or positive. If the baby has Rh negative, there is no problem. But, if she had Rh positive, problems may arise in subsequent pregnancies.
If it turns out that the second pregnancy that her fetus is Rh positive, the pregnancy is dangerous. Because maternal antibodies can enter the antirhesus of fetal red blood cells.

.On the contrary, no matter if the women were Rhesus positive and the negative guy.

2. Disease Due to Sexual Relationship

Premarital examination also can avoid the transmission of diseases transmitted through sexual contact, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, and hepatitis.
Women are actually more susceptible to venereal disease than men. Why? "Because the female genitalia-shaped concave like" accommodate "the virus. The male genitalia are not" accommodate "and can be cleaned up immediately."

If one spouse suffering from venereal disease, before marriage should be treated until cured. In addition, if such a man suffering from hepatitis B and will be married, his future wife should be made to have immunity against hepatitis B disease is.

How, by immunization with hepatitis B. If the spouse has not been cured of venereal disease and will remain married, although it does not guarantee 100 percent but the use of condoms is highly recommended.

3. Hereditary disease

Premarital examination can detect possible diseases that could be genetically passed down to children, such as albino. "For example, a husband brought an albino trait but his wife does not, then the child is born not to be albino. Conversely, if his wife also carries the albino trait, then the child must be an albino."

If you meet with couples who both carry this trait, marriage should not be stopped. "We know there will be possible and could be agreed, wanting to have children or not. If you still want to have children, so the risk the child will be albino. Or choose not to have children. Marriage should not be delayed by obstacles like this. What matters is solution or prevention, "

myths and facts about sleep

Is it true that older people sleep less than children? Is it true afternoon nap mean lazy? Sleep problems can not be underestimated because the impact on quality of life. The following myths and facts about sleep.

Myth: The quality of sleep determines a person's age
Fact: Sleep is the third part of human life. Sleep affects the quality of life, determine a person's age, and the impact on human life.

Good sleep is good sleep quality. Good sleep quality is affected by several things, namely:
a. Asleep or not asleep.
b. Frequent arrousal (often awakened at night). This can cause the body is not fresh.
c. Oxygen levels in the body during sleep. At bedtime, place the recovery of energy and endurance, immune cells are formed, the formation of some hormones, such as growth hormone and insulin.

Myth: Alcoholic beverages help to sleep better
Fact: Alcohol is not appropriate and healthy ways to help them sleep better. People who consume alcohol often low quality of sleep and frequent waking during the night (frequent arrousal). Too often awakened at night will result in the body is not refreshed when I wake up.

Myth: Snoring is not harmful
Fact: Snoring is annoying, especially for married couples. Typically, people who snore are usually the hands and feet moving during sleep.

In some cases, snoring is not harmful but in certain cases a sign of disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which is a sleep disorder characterized by cessation of breathing during sleep caused by periodic narrowing of the airway during sleep.

In sleep apnea, the oxygen content is reduced so that interfere with the brain and lead to disruption of memory that is quickly forgotten. Emotional center of the brain resulting in more emotional, depressed, sad. Blood pressure rises, the heart enlarged, and more prone to coronary heart disease. People with sleep apnea are also likely to experience impotence (42 per cent dysfunction problems in men caused by sleep disorders).

Myth: There is something wrong if you do not remember your dreams
Fact: It is less precise. Everyone must have dreamed, there are people who remember the dream and there is no recall. Dreams can occur in REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), which is where the condition of the eyes were moving fast. In this phase, one may recall dream.

Meanwhile, the Non-REM phase of sleep (quiet eye condition), one does not remember or can not tell his dream. There are people who have dreams and are not. People who are diseased soul, such as sadistic, often do not have dreams.

TIps in treating wounds in the skin

Often occurs, the wound in the skin treated himself with bad consequences. Not only the skin disease is not cured, but even more severe. Quite often leave marks or scars. What should be considered in treating wounds in the skin?

1. The burn cream instead of toothpaste or butter
It often happens, burns or butter smeared toothpaste. The burn wound is like most, needs to be treated as sterile. Toothpaste and butter was not beneficial, even to bad consequences. Toothpaste or butter may not be sterile, so the bacteria into the wound.

Minor burns (redness of the skin without blisters only) ointment smeared enough livertran (can be freely bought in pharmacies), and do not need to be closed. Bubbles blisters burns, do not break. Let the break itself.

After rupture, protect from exposure to bath water, because the skin on the skin is still young, easily penetrated by bacteria. Treatment with antisepsis still need other than to add livertran ointment. Now there is another kind of ointment to help regenerate new skin tissue.

Bubbly blisters extensive injuries need hospital treatment. Similarly, severe burns to the skin had peeled, and make the skin burn, also can not be treated at home.

2. Suture should not be left open
If the wound is sewn up, do not forget to open the seams. It often happens, the patient did not return to the doctor to open the seam. Usually the stitches opened a week later, or earlier if infection occurs. Sutured wound could have been infected. In addition to swelling and pain, there may be peeling and loose stitching.

If this occurs, it should be trimmed back. If not corrected, the wound will leave ugly scars.
Suture the wound does not always have to be opened when using clamps or sutures direct way with the gut. During wear silk yarn, stitches need to be opened. If not opened, the thread is a source of foreign body infection. Could be, wound healing takes place is not perfect and the yarn will be bound together by a new skin tissue. It's certainly not healthy.

3. Do not remove the scab wound
Often, scab wound was dry and itchy removed. Let dry, dead skin mixed with the rest of the blood and pus peeling themselves. Removing wounds scab mean opening skin layers beneath the young are exposed to the outside world. Young skin exposed to the outside world was not ready, yet too strong to face the threat of infection. Let the natural, youthful skin is so mature enough, he will urge a scab on it to exfoliate itself.

Release of scab by accident will usually bleed, marks her skin is still fragile. In such circumstances, season antibiotics to protect youthful skin that is infected and there was no new ulcers.

4. Eczema skin ointment did not use mushrooms
A wide variety of skin diseases. It looks similar, but the reality is not the same. Eczema for example. Eczema is often mistaken for fungus. If the drug was given fungal eczema would not heal naturally. Similarly, if the eczema drug treated skin fungus, the same would not heal.

The specific cure skin diseases. If drugs are not appropriate, abnormal skin was so chaotic and pluralistic. Thus, arbitrary and haphazard origin using the ointment, not recommended. Many skin ointments sold, not that versatile for diseases or any skin disorder. If the medicine is not right choice, even his skin disease grew chaotic. Skin diseases which are more complicated chaotic heal.

5. Wet skin diseases are not given an ointment.

Skin diseases are not treated properly often develop into a skin infection. The skin becomes wet. We often call it wet eczema. Eczema is hard to be scratched and wet wounds. In such circumstances, the ointment is not helping. Wet skin disease that must be confronted with a wet well, which compresses.

Compress soaked periodically every few hours each time compress dry. The goal is to compress the wet sucking sap. After drying, the new eczema drug was given.
Eczema is often already polluted carded due to infection, or it could be contaminated with fungus. Eczema was infected with the bacteria and fungi recovered only with eczema drugs, but need plus antibiotics and anti-fungal.

6. Do not continue using the drug if it does not heal
Sewring people consider skin disease generally lasts a long time, so the use of drugs purchased was not restricted though not cured. Stop the drug if not healed. Maybe the medicine is not appropriate. This often occurs in scurvy.

Scabies is often missed diagnosis. In addition to memorable, the picture in scabies skin is not so clear. Visible only small spots of red bumps, usually on the skin is thin and soft, like in between the fingers of the hand, wrist, in the abdomen, and buttocks skin. Various kinds of scabies can not be recovered if not select a specific drug scabies who use any special way.

Scabies contagious to family members. Through the handle, handshake, allusion skin, gender relations, lice scabies sufferers to move from healthy skin. Lice scabies lodged in the skin layer, evenings out and itch for mercy.

7. Allergic skin reactions do not always require an ointment or cream
Skin often have an allergic reaction. The sign, which light only itching all over his body. Severe, can peeling, blisters, and if heavy liquid bubbles appear all over his body.

Same skin allergy medication, allergy is a drunk. If severe, it takes an injection of antihistamine. Her skin was laced with itching powder. If heavy and raw, just given an antihistamine cream or lotion. Severe skin allergies and scar occurs in allergy to sulfa antibiotics.

People who are talented allergies need to be careful if given sulfa drugs. Symptoms, thick lips, itching, and then grow black dot resembling eczema around the lips is usually a lifelong imprint. This also needs an antihistamine drug.

8. In order not to leave marks, sores or skin diseases should not be infected
Any injury or illness occurs indicate skin damage on the skin surface. Depending on the type of wound and skin disease, the affected skin layers can be in, can also be shallow. The deeper skin disorders, the greater the risk of leaving marks after healing.

In order not to place scars, treat the wound properly from the beginning. If a wound or other skin diseases due to bad treatment of wounds infected, can not, will imprint. Wounds that imprint difficult and require plastic surgery corrected.

9. No telling if you have a talent keloid
Some people are talented keloids. That is, each recovering from injury, will form bumps around the scar grows a kind of meat. In cosmetic, it is unsightly, especially if it occurs in the face.

This risk can be prevented by giving a special injection during wound. Including if you want the surgery, doctors need to be told if you have a talent keloid, so that the incision is given special medication to prevent the formation of keloids. Keloid that has formed can be repeatedly injected to restore lump, but not perfectly smooth.

exercises to reduce Arthritic joints

Arthritic joints, aka pain, arthritis is its scientific name, attacked the millions of adults, although the levels vary. There is a feeling stiff or sore for no reason, nobody feels pain when the body in a certain position, not a few who are forced to ask aid of a cane, or change the way the move and walk due to bone is no longer moved freely.

That gout. This pain will not be reduced - especially with increasing age - if not addressed. Well, the best way to handle it is to inculcate the habit of mild exercise. There's a good idea to seek advice from a doctor, so that the habit was to fruition. After all a healthy condition is the result of collaboration between you and your doctor.

Routine exercise will maintain the condition of the joints. When the results of the examination the doctor allows you to begin exercising, start immediately, and do regularly. Some are worthy of consideration is a brisk walk, swim, or ride a stationary bike. Whatever the system and the selected type of exercise, yoga or even just a jump rope, start with a slow tempo and small portions. When you have a routine, increase slowly. Make a schedule of exercise four times a week each of 30 minutes, every time use the 12 minutes in between for this type of movement to refresh your heart.
Train your fingers by first wringing movements. Then increase it by grasping the ball about the size of tennis balls. Squeeze, squeeze with full force, alternating left and right hand. Start with five times stronger every squeeze of the hand, then increase gradually to 20 times. Another movement to train wrist spasticity is sitting in a comfortable position and the room is quite freely, stretch, right hand to the side with all fingers outstretched and palms facing down. Move the fingers toward / pointing upward, hold for three counts, then relax your arms outstretched to fall down. Repeat this movement up to five times, then replace it with your left hand. And so on. You can do variations of movement with a twist of the wrist, direct and counter-clockwise.
Abdominal muscles strong will reduce the strain on your back. Then try to sleep on their backs with a straight body on a cushion on the floor. Bend your knees, feet flat. Hands straight in the side of the body. Lift the head, neck, and shoulders. Hold for a count of five, then down quietly until all the muscle weakness. Repeat this movement, at first five times, then increase to 15 times. If you're used to it, combine it with both hands folded across the chest, then lift the head, neck, and shoulders as usual.
The habit of walking will cause knee, ankle, and other joints in the legs stay flexible and fit. If the portion you do not walk much, do following activities while you are unemployed or while watching television:

Sitting down, play the rubber ball with the palms of your feet. This movement interspersed with soaking feet in warm water, can sometimes push-Click toes.
Sitting straighten your legs and lift off the floor, if necessary, place it on the bench. Touch both your thumb and hold up to three counts, then release and return to the original sitting position. Then touch the heel, resistant to three counts again. For starters, five times the movement enough. When repeating, try to combine them to bend and straighten your legs so that the palms pointing forward, and then twisting the wrist to the left and right alternately. Add the number of counts and portions from time to time.

At the beginning of activities, you may feel stiff and sore. But trust me, the pain will get worse if you are not active. Persevere to do it, if necessary, by joining the group fitness or yoga. No matter how light the movement, still need passion and perseverance to do it regularly. You have to stay in shape in order to stay alive.

Simple way to check your health

Before experiencing illness, the body usually show signs. Body experience lethargy, fever, chills, or throat itch when it starts to suffer from cough, and other signs indicating that the body is experiencing illness.

Jacob Franek, stress management specialists, who often writes about health issues in AskMen, shows five early signs in a man to find out whether they are healthy or not.

Nail color

Maybe you never thought that the nail can show our health condition. That's the reality. In a healthy condition, pink nails, strong, and gentle. Striking changes in the nails can be a sign that you are suffering from an illness. For example, yellow colored nails grow thick survived shows that you are suffering from respiratory illnesses such as chronic bronchitis. Or if there is a curved line on the surface of the nail is commonly called Beau's lines, you could be affected by diabetes. Then spoon-shaped nails indicate iron deficiency.

The color of urine

A healthy person, urine is usually pale yellow. Yellowish color of urine can vary depending on the amount of fluid consumed. When eating a lot of water is usually clear yellow urine tended. But when dehydrated, the urine color changed to dark brown like tea. If there is a sweet smell, a strange odor, a drop of blood, or significant changes in urine which has nothing to do with drugs, foods or supplements that are being consumed, you should immediately check your urine to the lab.

The volume of ejaculate 2-5 ml

At the age of childbearing, healthy male ejaculation should be about 2-5 ml. If less than that, suggesting that in less fertile conditions. This condition is called hypospermia, a condition that affects male fertility. In addition to volume, color and consistency of semen also showed the condition of the body. Cement healthy men should be white or gray and sticky. If there is blood or not thick, it could indicate health problems on your body.


Value of heart rate varies according to the age of a person, usually ranging from 70 and 75 bpm. For adult men the pulse of 60-100 bpm is considered normal. Well, if the heart rate level beyond the size it means you have a pretty serious health problems.

Elasticity of the skin

The elasticity of the skin is usually used to assess the degree of hydration of the body. Skin that is dull and inelastic mean your body hydrated. An easy way to test the elasticity of the skin, the skin on the back of his hand . When returned to its original position that shows your skin healthy.

Tips to prevent obesity in daily life

Overweight or obesity, actually is a disease. However, many sufferers are not aware of it. In fact, it was clear the danger lurking infected.

In general, obesity means being overweight. First, to measure the ideal weight, the means used is height minus 100. Now, the medical community to measure obesity using Body Mass Index (BMI). IMT was measured from weight in kilograms, divided by height in meters squared. BMI figures show 18.5 to 23 is normal.
Figures 23-25 ​​are called overweight, 25-27 including mild obesity, 27-30 called mild obesity, and over 30 classified as severe obesity. In addition to BMI, is used also to measure waist circumference, to assess disease risk that may arise related to obesity. Waist circumference are useful for determining whether a person has a tendency to have metabolic syndrome, namely the possibility of someone having a particular condition.
Among other things, high blood sugar levels, high blood triglyceride levels, hypertension, and heart attacks. Because, if there is obesity, practically followed by accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. Normally, women's waist size should not be more than 80 cm, while men must not exceed 90 cm. If someone is excess fat, there are many kinds of diseases "nesting".
That's why people really should not be fat. Research has shown, obese people at risk of suffering from diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart attacks, increased 3-4 times compared with those not obese. In addition, he also exposed to the risk of blood vessel constriction, osteoastritis (sore knee from impact weight-bearing joints of the body weight).
Judging from the resulting risks, including obesity dangerous disease in the long run. However, side effects of obesity are also unpredictable when it will come. "Not necessarily now suffer, and this time also died quickly. There is a fat, it still" safe ". But most of the fat will die at a young age,"

Samuel pointed out, several Indonesian artists die young due to obesity. Likewise with sumo wrestlers in Japan are rarely more than 40 years old. Is it true that obese people healthy life? "No. Exposed to obesity alone, people have had a greater risk of disease. In fact, obesity itself is not healthy," he replied. Supposedly, added Samuel, now echoed to the society, obesity is a disease, not a state.
Unfortunately, so far people who are overweight have a way of thinking is wrong and belittle the disease, because they still feel safe, and think, what matters is not sick. So, what are the causes of obesity? In principle, obesity related to the balance of the amount of food consumed and the amount issued, in the form of activity.
That is, people can become obese because of the food he consumes more than the activity that he did. Thus, calorie intake is greater than the calories burned during the move. Moreover, if the quality of food eaten too bad. That is, the relevant consume lots of fat. However, diet and activity are only two major factors of obesity.
Factors supporting the emergence of obesity can come from hormonal, psychological and genetic, although genetic factors are not going to be a cause of obesity when lifestyle is well organized. The amount of calories you consume can affect obesity. Each 1 gram fat, contain 9 calories. Each 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories and 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories.
To measure whether the calories eaten in a day is too much or not, just count how many grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein consumed that day. Each multiplied by calories they contain. "If in one day you eat 300 grams of fat only, meaning there are 2700 calories from fat supply. This amount is huge," said Samuel.

The amount of calories needed depends on gender, age, and activity. Active women need 1500 - 1800 calories per day and active men need 2000 - 2500 calories per day. Be harmful if consumed in excess of that amount, while the activity only slightly. Unfortunately, the number of obese people in Indonesia are very large and from year to year it continues to increase, including children.
"The figure certainly not clear, but look at the mall, many children and adults who are overweight," he said. The number of sufferers more women, because after menopause or over 40 years, they have a tendency of obesity, despite not mean they dominate in number. According to Samuel, the number of obese people continues to be caused by lifestyle and desire to always be completely comfortable.
For example, eating junk food because it is more practical and faster, too lazy to move, prefer to go by car, or have a secretary and office boy in the office to do something. Samuel added, obesity in children is essentially the same with obesity in adults. Since the children, even toddlers, body weight should begin to be maintained, not to obesity.
Unfortunately, many parents who think, chubby kid is cute, adorable, and healthy. So they think, which is important and eating lots of fat children. In fact, a healthy child is a child whose weight is ideal. "Keep your mind, the child is healthy fat or sign prosper. In children, the disease is also obese. So, if you have kids do not be proud of once obese, it is wrong and should be made aware," Samuel said firmly.
If children are overweight, heart blood vessel constriction disease will begin to happen since he was a child. Nevertheless, normal weight children who depend on the age and height. At the toddler age 2 years, Samuel pointed out, normal weight 15 kg. "In Indonesia, began obesity affects many children. The reason, life style and habits adopted parents."

Formula feeding is continuously on even toddlers, can cause obesity. "The important thing, not the kind of milk, but the amount. If the amount exceeds the demand, can make fat," explains Samuel. Diet and nutrition should also be considered. Unfortunately, due to lazy to cook and want a practical course, many parents give junk food to children.
In addition, often eating sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cake and foods that contain lots of sugar, which is generally liked by children, also causes hoard fat in their bodies. Actually, continued Samuel, eating sweet foods like that are not prohibited, provided no excessive and continuous.
In addition, children are now more playing playstation or computer games, so the less mobile. "In principle, right, must draw between eating and body movement to avoid obesity," said Samuel. Most, who performed and consumed by children depends on the given parent. Supposedly, from a young child is accustomed to eating healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables.
Although children do not like it, do not be lazy parents introduce healthy foods from an early age, to be trained. When children do not like fruits and vegetables, Samuel suggested to disguise it by making food attractive molded or processed into other forms. For example, the ball meatball contains vegetables, fruits cut star-shaped, or made pudding.
In this case, parents sued clever creativity. If this is done, obesity in children can be prevented and addressed. "Her parents could have been fat, but if the pattern of life and eat the child is well organized and trained diligently exercise, he will not be overweight,"

Make a full recovery
Yes, obesity can be cured. The key is only one: the will. Do not ever think you are overweight will not be reduced. Instead, think optimistically. Problem length of time required to recover, depending on the amount of excess fat. If too much, Samuel advised not to think about the target time. "If the excess 30-40 pounds, is not it, baseball may be dropped within two months. Must be patient," said Samuel.
In patients with obesity, calories consumed must be less than the daily requirement. If you usually eat a plate of rice, reduce to three-quarters. If this is done, surely the weight will come down. "Simple, really, how, simply by living healthy. Problem handling, live set amount of calorie intake and increase activity."

1. Consumption of healthy foods. Especially vegetables and fruits, except durian that contain sugar. Avocado is okay, but without the sugar, chocolate, syrup, milk, or ice cream. For obese people who are dieting, you should not eat mangoes, as they contain sugar.
2. Avoid fat. Stay away from all fatty and fried foods.
3. Stop eating so much! Do not eat too much and stopped before satiety.
4. Avoid snacks. Stay away from sweets and drinks that contain sugar, like sweet tea, syrups, and soft drink.
5. Sports. Do exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes each three times a week. Walking can be an option. If too fat, you should choose to swim to avoid a clash of the joints, so that the foot does not hurt.
6. Many of the moves. Do not pamper the body and legs, many are moving. When you go to the mall, do not get down in front of the lobby, park the car farther from the destination. When at home, sweeping and mopping can help the body keep moving.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Obesity increases the risk of cancer

Obesity or being overweight increases the risk of various forms of cancer. The results of a recent study released by the Lancet medical journal in London , indicating overweight can increase the risk of esophageal cancer include the bladder, uterus and esophagus.

Although studies suggest a link between excess weight with cancer risk, but there is no definite evidence that shows weight gain can lead to cancer. "To infer causality, we need to conduct further research," explains Dr. Andrew Renehen, who led the study.

The researchers compiled data from 141 studies and considered more types of cancers and more diverse population than the results of previous studies. The study includes more than 28,000 cases of cancer in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia.

The study participants were either overweight or normal weight, were followed for 9 to 15 years. Researchers observe their body mass index and mengkorelasinya with cancer cases that arise.

From the study of known weight above 15 pounds of normal weight in the male may increase the risk of kidney cancer in up to 24 percent and up to 52 percent of the esophagus. While excess weight by over 13 kilometers of normal weight among women at increased risk of cancer of the uterus and bladder up to 60 percent.

In Asian populations, there is a tighter connection between the accretion of body mass index with risk of breast cancer. Scientists do not yet have certainty how excess weight can make people susceptible to cancer.

"One hypothesis that arises is the excess fat can affect hormone levels in the body where at some level likely to trigger the growth of tumors," Renehan said.

"Simple message that can be delivered is if you manage to keep the standards of normal weight, the lower your risk of esophageal cancer," said Ed Yong of Cancer Research UK. The study, published in The Lancet was funded by the British Medical Association, University of Manchester and University of Bern, Switzerland.

More young people get hypertension easily

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common disease with age. However, this disease now affects more and more young people. In America, about 1 in 5 people aged less than 35 years suffering from hypertension.

Because it does not cause symptoms, many people overlook hypertension. In fact, the disease is closely related to heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure.

The study, conducted the National Institutes of Health America of 14,000 people aged 24-32 years found 19 percent of respondents suffer from high blood pressure.

The cause of hypertension is generally difficult to determine and state is associated with a family history of hypertension. That's why the habit of blood pressure checked regularly is a good habit to health.

Although hypertension drugs increasingly advanced, primary hypertension therapy always begins with lifestyle modification that includes meal arrangements, avoiding excessive salt intake, and exercise regularly. If this Nonpharmacologic attempts do not succeed, used a new hypertension drug.

Aerobic exercise can reduce dementia

Dementia is a condition where a person has decreased the ability of memory and thinking power, in layman's language is called senility. Decreased ability interfere with the function of everyday life.

The experts from the Mayo Clinic found new evidence that aerobic exercise can reduce the risk and slow the progression of dementia. Findings will be published this month in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. They concluded that aerobic exercise plays an important role in preserving cognitive abilities.

Broadly researchers define sport, particularly aerobic exercise, will increase heart rate and increase the body's need for oxygen. Practice in question can be done starting from simple things such as brisk walking, jogging and doing activities at home such as sweeping and mopping.

The researchers note that brain imaging studies have consistently demonstrated objective evidence regarding the benefits and the beneficial effects of exercise on the integrity of the human brain. The results of animal studies have also shown that exercise can produce trophic factors that enhance brain function, while also facilitating the connection of the brain (neuroplasticity).

Researchers say more research is needed to see the relationship between exercise and cognitive function, but they are still encouraged to do the exercises, especially for those who worry about cognitive issues.

Be wise with vitamins or supplements in balanced diet

Some people believe that vitamins or supplements as a substitute for food. As a result, they feel no need to eat too much food. This understanding is wrong because it could upset the balance of our body system.

"Supplements are sold freely on the market can not actually meet the needs of the body. What happens to the excess or deficiency," This is because such supplements can not be prescribed by a physician so that the proportion of out of control.

One of the principle of a balanced diet is to regulate the intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins carefully in a day. That is, there must be variations in food. If the conditions are met, vitamin and mineral supplements do not need to be consumed. Therefore, the nutritional needs can be met from the intake was complete and varied diet.

If want to consume certain vitamins or supplements, you should consult with your doctor or nutritionist.

Friday, October 21, 2011

10 healthy food and nutritions for men

Having a healthy and Fit body is everyone's dream. To make it happen, will require a healthy lifestyle and nutritional intake comes from foods that you consume each day.

Especially for the men, it helps to know the kinds of nutritious foods and nutritious for your body. Among these foods, there are few ever you eat or do not even have never known before. But there's nothing wrong, you try to consume it for the sake of your health and fitness

1. Bit
This one tuber vegetables naturally have a very sweet taste than other vegetables. That is, the dark red fruits contain lots of sugar under the skin rough. Why bit healthy? Think of bits as red spinach. Just like Popeye's favorite food is highly nutritious, rich in folate bits and betaine. Two types of these nutrients can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​in your blood vessels.

Homocysteine ​​is a compound in the blood that can damage arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. The content of natural pigments - called betacyanins - in bits as well as natural ingredients proven to prevent cancer.
2. Cabbage
Who does not know this vegetable. One cup of chopped cabbage contains 22 calories and a number of other important nutrients. Call it sulforaphane, a chemical that can increase the production of enzymes in the body that inhibit the cell damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer. The experts at Stanford University states sulforaphane can increase the production of an enzyme inhibitor of cancer is more effective than other chemical compounds contained in vegetables.

3. Guava
Guava or Guava is a tropical fruit that has a complicated structure of acid. The sweet taste of this fruit will taste when you bite the middle. Guava rich in lycopene, a type of antioxidant that can cope with prostate cancer. A cup of Guava juice contains 688 milligrams (mg) of potassium, or 63 percent more than that found in bananas. Guava is also known as high-fiber foods: there are about 9 grams (g) of fiber in a glass of Guava.

4. Swiss chard
A half cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 10 mg each of lutein and zeaxanthin. According to the findings of the scientists at Harvard, these two compounds - also known as carotenoids - may protect the retina from damage due to aging. Two types of nutrients, which is actually a pigment, will accumulate in the retina, which used to absorb various types of short-wave rays that could potentially damage the eye. Therefore, the more lutein and zeaxanthin are consumed, the better protection of your eyes.

5. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can help you control your blood pressure, which would affect the risk of heart disease. In fact, the researchers the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed 1 gram of cinnamon daily for six weeks (about 1 / 4 teaspoon daily) significantly decreased blood sugar levels, triglycerides and LDL kolekstrol ( bad cholesterol). Cinnamon contains methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which can increase the body's cells ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.

6. Purslane
Purslane or purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is one of the common weeds that grow in plantations chili. Weeds are known as nutritious crops in several countries such as China, Mexico and Greece. In Indonesia purslane is also known to have utility as a refresher, a tonic on the state of fatigue or a substitute for ginseng

But according to experts at the University of Texas at San Antonio, purslane contained in omega-3 is very good for heart health. The scientists also reported that purslane has the content of melatonin - a type of antioxidants can prevent cancer growth - 10 to 20 times more than any other fruit or vegetable.

7. Pomegranate juice
For years known as the pomegranate juice drink, especially popular in the Middle East region. Israeli scientists reveal that men who drank 2 ounces of pomegranate juice every day for a year decreased systolic pressure by 21 percent. These habits also improve the blood circulation system. Get used to drink 4 ounces of pomegranate juice because it can meet 50 percent of vitamin C your body eraser day.

8. Gojiberri or wolfberry fruit
Because it tastes sweet, herbal red light has been long been used as medicine for health care that can be added to the dishes of boiled meat, chicken or seafood.

Wolfberry fruits contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (fatty acids), as well as other useful materials. Based on traditional Chinese theory, wolfberry efficacious strengthens blood, strengthens the kidneys and liver and provide moisture to the lungs. Wolfberry are often used in case of "consumptive" followed by thirst (as in diabetes and tuberculosis), to dizziness, blurred vision, lack of clear vision and chronic cough.

9 Fruit Plums
This fruit contains neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid, a type of antioxidant that is effective against "superoxide anion radical." Types of free radicals can cause damage to cells, especially that caused cancer.

10. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds may be the most bernutirisi part in the flask. By eating pumpkin seeds, your body needs magnesium to be fulfilled. This is important because French scientists recently found men with high levels of magnesium in their blood have a tendency to 40 percent lower risk of early death, than men with low levels of magnesium. Men should consume an average of 353 mg of this mineral every day, while the USDA recommends at least 420 mg.