Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dysmenorrhea symptoms and prevention

Dysmenorrhea is the pain that comes from the abdominal and uterine cramps during menstruation.

Primary dysmenorrhea is called if no underlying cause is found and if the cause is secondary dysmenorrhea content abnormalities. Primary dysmenorrhea is common, probably more than 50% of women experience it and 15% of them experienced severe pain. Primary dysmenorrhea usually arise in adolescence, which is about 2-3 years after the first period.

Pain in primary dysmenorrhea probably derived from uterine contractions are stimulated by prostaglandins. Pain is felt more intense when a clot or piece of tissue from the lining of the uterus through the cervix (cervical), especially if serviksnya narrow channel. Another factor that can exacerbate dysmenorrhea are:
- The uterus is facing backward (retroverted)
- Lack of exercise
- Psychological stress or social stress.

Increased age and pregnancy will cause the disappearance of primary dysmenorrhea. This is thought to occur because of uterine nerve deterioration due to aging and loss of some nerves in late pregnancy.

The difference depends on the severity of pain levels of prostaglandins. Women who experience dysmenorrhea have prostaglandin levels are 5-13 times higher than women who did not experience dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is very similar to the pain felt by pregnant women who received injections of prostaglandin to induce labor.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is less common and occurs in 25% of women who experience dysmenorrhea. Causes of secondary dysmenorrhea are:

* Endometriosis
* Fibroids
* Adenomyosis
* Inflammation of the fallopian tubes
* Abnormal Adhesions between organs in the abdomen.
* The use of IUDs.

Secondary dysmenorrhea often begins to rise at the age of 20 years.

Dysmenorrhea cause pain in lower abdomen, which can spread to the lower back and legs. Pain is felt as a cramping of relapsing-remitting or as a constant dull pain there. Usually the pain began to occur shortly before or during menstruation, reaching a peak within 24 hours and after 2 days will disappear. Dysmenorrhea also often accompanied by headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhea and frequent urination. Sometimes until there is vomiting.

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination.

To reduce pain medication can be given non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (eg ibuprofen, naproxen and mefenamic acid). This drug is most effective if started drunk 2 days before menstruation and continued until day 1-2 of menstruation. In addition to medications, pain can also be reduced by:
- Adequate rest,
- Regular exercise (especially walking),
- Massage,
- Orgasm in sexual activity, and
- A warm compress on the abdomen.

To overcome the nausea and vomiting can be given anti-nausea, but nausea and vomiting usually disappear if the cramps been resolved. Symptoms can also be reduced by adequate rest and exercise regularly.

If the pain continues to be felt and interfere with daily activities, then given a low dose birth control pills containing estrogen and progesterone or given medroxiprogesteron. Giving the two drugs were intended to prevent ovulation (release of eggs) and reduces the formation of prostaglandins, which in turn will reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea. If the drug is also not effective, then an additional examination (eg laparoscopy).

If very severe dysmenorrhea can be done detachments endometrium, which is a procedure where the lining of the uterus are burned or evaporated by the heater. Treatment for secondary dysmenorrhea depends on the cause.

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