Monday, October 24, 2011

simple tips to beat the fatigue

Do you often feel lose the spirit? Here are ten simple tips to beat the fatigue that is often attacked.

Move! Exercise to restore the energy you have to spend. Physical activity makes you alert and excited.
Find a workout friend. Research shows that people are more resistant to join a fitness program that together with friends.
Keep the candy! Indeed chewed on candy can give you full of energy, but you will then feel more tired than before.
Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue, therefore drink at least eight glasses a day. Reduce drinking coffee because coffee drinking is more than a cup a day keeps the body loses fluids drastically.
Get to know your biological clock. Throughout the day, the body's natural rhythm. So, fit your activities in order to be truly efficient. The most excellent mental alertness during the morning. Daytime is best to do routine tasks are boring.
Sleep for a while. Nap during the day when the brain fatigue can refresh the spirit .
Eat several small meals is better than eating three large meals. This avoids blood sugar spikes that cause fatigue.
Stay away from sugar and fat because it causes drowsiness. Eat less rice or bread.
Even the slightest change in routine can cheer. Changing the radio station, replace your shower time, or buy a different newspaper.
Keep stress. That means learning not to think about problems beyond your capabilities. Concentrate on the things that you can set.

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