Monday, October 24, 2011

Simple way to check your health

Before experiencing illness, the body usually show signs. Body experience lethargy, fever, chills, or throat itch when it starts to suffer from cough, and other signs indicating that the body is experiencing illness.

Jacob Franek, stress management specialists, who often writes about health issues in AskMen, shows five early signs in a man to find out whether they are healthy or not.

Nail color

Maybe you never thought that the nail can show our health condition. That's the reality. In a healthy condition, pink nails, strong, and gentle. Striking changes in the nails can be a sign that you are suffering from an illness. For example, yellow colored nails grow thick survived shows that you are suffering from respiratory illnesses such as chronic bronchitis. Or if there is a curved line on the surface of the nail is commonly called Beau's lines, you could be affected by diabetes. Then spoon-shaped nails indicate iron deficiency.

The color of urine

A healthy person, urine is usually pale yellow. Yellowish color of urine can vary depending on the amount of fluid consumed. When eating a lot of water is usually clear yellow urine tended. But when dehydrated, the urine color changed to dark brown like tea. If there is a sweet smell, a strange odor, a drop of blood, or significant changes in urine which has nothing to do with drugs, foods or supplements that are being consumed, you should immediately check your urine to the lab.

The volume of ejaculate 2-5 ml

At the age of childbearing, healthy male ejaculation should be about 2-5 ml. If less than that, suggesting that in less fertile conditions. This condition is called hypospermia, a condition that affects male fertility. In addition to volume, color and consistency of semen also showed the condition of the body. Cement healthy men should be white or gray and sticky. If there is blood or not thick, it could indicate health problems on your body.


Value of heart rate varies according to the age of a person, usually ranging from 70 and 75 bpm. For adult men the pulse of 60-100 bpm is considered normal. Well, if the heart rate level beyond the size it means you have a pretty serious health problems.

Elasticity of the skin

The elasticity of the skin is usually used to assess the degree of hydration of the body. Skin that is dull and inelastic mean your body hydrated. An easy way to test the elasticity of the skin, the skin on the back of his hand . When returned to its original position that shows your skin healthy.

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