Monday, October 24, 2011

Tips to prevent obesity in daily life

Overweight or obesity, actually is a disease. However, many sufferers are not aware of it. In fact, it was clear the danger lurking infected.

In general, obesity means being overweight. First, to measure the ideal weight, the means used is height minus 100. Now, the medical community to measure obesity using Body Mass Index (BMI). IMT was measured from weight in kilograms, divided by height in meters squared. BMI figures show 18.5 to 23 is normal.
Figures 23-25 ​​are called overweight, 25-27 including mild obesity, 27-30 called mild obesity, and over 30 classified as severe obesity. In addition to BMI, is used also to measure waist circumference, to assess disease risk that may arise related to obesity. Waist circumference are useful for determining whether a person has a tendency to have metabolic syndrome, namely the possibility of someone having a particular condition.
Among other things, high blood sugar levels, high blood triglyceride levels, hypertension, and heart attacks. Because, if there is obesity, practically followed by accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. Normally, women's waist size should not be more than 80 cm, while men must not exceed 90 cm. If someone is excess fat, there are many kinds of diseases "nesting".
That's why people really should not be fat. Research has shown, obese people at risk of suffering from diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart attacks, increased 3-4 times compared with those not obese. In addition, he also exposed to the risk of blood vessel constriction, osteoastritis (sore knee from impact weight-bearing joints of the body weight).
Judging from the resulting risks, including obesity dangerous disease in the long run. However, side effects of obesity are also unpredictable when it will come. "Not necessarily now suffer, and this time also died quickly. There is a fat, it still" safe ". But most of the fat will die at a young age,"

Samuel pointed out, several Indonesian artists die young due to obesity. Likewise with sumo wrestlers in Japan are rarely more than 40 years old. Is it true that obese people healthy life? "No. Exposed to obesity alone, people have had a greater risk of disease. In fact, obesity itself is not healthy," he replied. Supposedly, added Samuel, now echoed to the society, obesity is a disease, not a state.
Unfortunately, so far people who are overweight have a way of thinking is wrong and belittle the disease, because they still feel safe, and think, what matters is not sick. So, what are the causes of obesity? In principle, obesity related to the balance of the amount of food consumed and the amount issued, in the form of activity.
That is, people can become obese because of the food he consumes more than the activity that he did. Thus, calorie intake is greater than the calories burned during the move. Moreover, if the quality of food eaten too bad. That is, the relevant consume lots of fat. However, diet and activity are only two major factors of obesity.
Factors supporting the emergence of obesity can come from hormonal, psychological and genetic, although genetic factors are not going to be a cause of obesity when lifestyle is well organized. The amount of calories you consume can affect obesity. Each 1 gram fat, contain 9 calories. Each 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories and 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories.
To measure whether the calories eaten in a day is too much or not, just count how many grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein consumed that day. Each multiplied by calories they contain. "If in one day you eat 300 grams of fat only, meaning there are 2700 calories from fat supply. This amount is huge," said Samuel.

The amount of calories needed depends on gender, age, and activity. Active women need 1500 - 1800 calories per day and active men need 2000 - 2500 calories per day. Be harmful if consumed in excess of that amount, while the activity only slightly. Unfortunately, the number of obese people in Indonesia are very large and from year to year it continues to increase, including children.
"The figure certainly not clear, but look at the mall, many children and adults who are overweight," he said. The number of sufferers more women, because after menopause or over 40 years, they have a tendency of obesity, despite not mean they dominate in number. According to Samuel, the number of obese people continues to be caused by lifestyle and desire to always be completely comfortable.
For example, eating junk food because it is more practical and faster, too lazy to move, prefer to go by car, or have a secretary and office boy in the office to do something. Samuel added, obesity in children is essentially the same with obesity in adults. Since the children, even toddlers, body weight should begin to be maintained, not to obesity.
Unfortunately, many parents who think, chubby kid is cute, adorable, and healthy. So they think, which is important and eating lots of fat children. In fact, a healthy child is a child whose weight is ideal. "Keep your mind, the child is healthy fat or sign prosper. In children, the disease is also obese. So, if you have kids do not be proud of once obese, it is wrong and should be made aware," Samuel said firmly.
If children are overweight, heart blood vessel constriction disease will begin to happen since he was a child. Nevertheless, normal weight children who depend on the age and height. At the toddler age 2 years, Samuel pointed out, normal weight 15 kg. "In Indonesia, began obesity affects many children. The reason, life style and habits adopted parents."

Formula feeding is continuously on even toddlers, can cause obesity. "The important thing, not the kind of milk, but the amount. If the amount exceeds the demand, can make fat," explains Samuel. Diet and nutrition should also be considered. Unfortunately, due to lazy to cook and want a practical course, many parents give junk food to children.
In addition, often eating sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cake and foods that contain lots of sugar, which is generally liked by children, also causes hoard fat in their bodies. Actually, continued Samuel, eating sweet foods like that are not prohibited, provided no excessive and continuous.
In addition, children are now more playing playstation or computer games, so the less mobile. "In principle, right, must draw between eating and body movement to avoid obesity," said Samuel. Most, who performed and consumed by children depends on the given parent. Supposedly, from a young child is accustomed to eating healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables.
Although children do not like it, do not be lazy parents introduce healthy foods from an early age, to be trained. When children do not like fruits and vegetables, Samuel suggested to disguise it by making food attractive molded or processed into other forms. For example, the ball meatball contains vegetables, fruits cut star-shaped, or made pudding.
In this case, parents sued clever creativity. If this is done, obesity in children can be prevented and addressed. "Her parents could have been fat, but if the pattern of life and eat the child is well organized and trained diligently exercise, he will not be overweight,"

Make a full recovery
Yes, obesity can be cured. The key is only one: the will. Do not ever think you are overweight will not be reduced. Instead, think optimistically. Problem length of time required to recover, depending on the amount of excess fat. If too much, Samuel advised not to think about the target time. "If the excess 30-40 pounds, is not it, baseball may be dropped within two months. Must be patient," said Samuel.
In patients with obesity, calories consumed must be less than the daily requirement. If you usually eat a plate of rice, reduce to three-quarters. If this is done, surely the weight will come down. "Simple, really, how, simply by living healthy. Problem handling, live set amount of calorie intake and increase activity."

1. Consumption of healthy foods. Especially vegetables and fruits, except durian that contain sugar. Avocado is okay, but without the sugar, chocolate, syrup, milk, or ice cream. For obese people who are dieting, you should not eat mangoes, as they contain sugar.
2. Avoid fat. Stay away from all fatty and fried foods.
3. Stop eating so much! Do not eat too much and stopped before satiety.
4. Avoid snacks. Stay away from sweets and drinks that contain sugar, like sweet tea, syrups, and soft drink.
5. Sports. Do exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes each three times a week. Walking can be an option. If too fat, you should choose to swim to avoid a clash of the joints, so that the foot does not hurt.
6. Many of the moves. Do not pamper the body and legs, many are moving. When you go to the mall, do not get down in front of the lobby, park the car farther from the destination. When at home, sweeping and mopping can help the body keep moving.

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